Chase Bank Cancels Nonprofit's Bank Account: 'Religious Freedom Is Under Attack by Corporate America'
A former United States ambassador for religious freedom says Chase Bank abruptly closed an account associated with his nonpartisan, faith-based nonprofit organization with little explanation.
The National Committee for Religious Freedom (NCRF), a 501(c)4 political action nonprofit, opened an account with Chase in April.
501(c)4、 政治活動非営利団体「National Committee for Religious Freedom (NCRF)」は、4月にChase銀行に口座を開設しました。
According to Sam Brownback, the group's chairman and the former U.S. ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom under the Trump administration, the bank decided to "end their relationship" with NCRF and close the account after only three weeks.
同団体の会長で、トランプ政権下で国際的な宗教の自由を担当した元米国特命大使のSam Brownback氏によると、同銀行はわずか3週間でNCRFとの「関係終了」を決定し、口座を閉鎖したと言います。
"We were surprised at being canceled by Chase," Brownback wrote in an op-ed published in the Washington Examiner. When our executive director called to see if this was an error, he was informed that 'a note in the file read that Chase employees were not permitted to provide any further clarifying information to the customer.'"
Brownback氏はWashington Examiner誌に掲載された論説に、「Chase銀行にキャンセルされたことに驚きました」と書いています。当団体の事務局長が、間違いかどうかを確認するため電話したところ、「ファイルのメモにChaseの社員はこれ以上お客様に明確な情報を提供することは許されないと書いてあります」と言われた、とのことです。
NCRF Executive Director Justin Murff reached out for more information but was told the decision was made at the "corporate" level and was "final and nonrevocable".
NCRFの事務局長Justin Murff氏は、より詳しい情報を求めましたが、決定は「会社」レベルで行われ、「最終決定であり、取り消し不能である」と言われました。
"Why the cancellation? Why the secrecy and lack of transparency? Why was Chase hiding its reasons and intentions for closing the account of a client that seeks to serve the public good and defend religious freedom for every person in America," Brownback questioned.
The bank later stated the group had not provided requested documentation in a 60-day timeframe, but Brownback notes the account was only open for 20 days before it was closed.
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"To this day, the NCRF does not have a clear reason as to why our account was closed after only three weeks," he said. "We certainly hadn't made any transactions in that short amount of time that would have triggered any regulatory red flags."
Murff was later told by a Chase employee identified as "Chi-Chi" that it might be possible to continue the business relationship if NCRF could provide more information about the nonprofit's activities.
Specifically, they wanted a donor list, a list of political candidates NCRF intended to support, and a full explanation of the criteria by which they would endorse and support those candidates.
"It was entirely inappropriate to ask for this type of information. Does Chase ask every customer what politicians they support and why before deciding whether or not to accept them as a customer?" Brownback asked in his op-ed.
NCRF was able to open another account at a different bank. The group also launched its "#ChasedAway" campaign, to hear from other faith-based organizations or businesses on whether they have had similar experiences.
"If they can 'de-bank' the NCRF, a multi-faith religious nonprofit, what happens when they start 'de-banking' pastors and Christian business people?" a question posed by Murff to the Christian Post.
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「銀行に追い出された...。デビットカードは凍結された」を読む:Nick Vujicic氏がプロライフ派のための銀行を立ち上げる理由
Murff's suggestion is not too far from reality. In fact, pro-life evangelist Nick Vujicic had his bank account blocked, and PayPal froze the accounts of the UK's Free Speech Union founder.
Murff氏の提案は、現実的な投げかけです。実際、プロライフ伝道者のNick Vujicic氏は銀行口座を凍結され、PayPalは英国のFree Speech Union創設者の口座を凍結しました。
On Saturday, Paypal "erroneously" sent out a policy update that said customers could pay $2,500 in damages for sharing misinformation.
土曜日、Paypal は誤情報を共有した場合、顧客は 2,500 ドルの損害賠償を支払う可能性があるというポリシーの更新を「誤って」送信しました。
According to The Register, the group's updated acceptable use policy was set to take effect on Nov. 3 and included a clause that would allow them to deduct $2,500 from a person's account for providing what it deems to be "false, inaccurate or misleading information."
「The Register」によると、11月3日に発効予定だった同社の最新の利用規定ポリシーには、「虚偽、不正確または誤解を招く情報」と見なされる内容を提供した場合、その人のアカウントから2500ドルを差し引くことができる条項が含まれていました。
The organization backpedaled immediately after the policy update triggered a firestorm online.
"PayPal is not fining people for misinformation and this language was never intended to be inserted in our policy. We're sorry for the confusion this has caused," a spokesperson for the company said.
By Monday, the California-based company's shares were down by 6%.
Former Paypal CEO, Elon Musk, and ex-president David Marcus condemned the move.
Paypalの元CEO、イーロン・マスク氏、元社長David Marcus氏がこの動きを非難しています。
"A private company now gets to decide to take your money if you say something they disagree with. Insanity," Marcus tweeted.
"Paypal is censoring speech," Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) tweeted. "If you don't listen they will steal your money.
Marsha Blackburn上院議員(共和党、テネシー州選出)は、「Paypalは言論を検閲しています。無視すれば、支払いを要求してくるでしょう」とツイートしています。
And Republican-appointed FCC commissioner Brendan Carr called the announcement "Orwellian."
そして、共和党から任命されたFCCコミッショナーのBrendan Carr氏は、この発表を 「オーウェル的(全体主義的、管理社会主義的)」と呼んでいます。
"This is why it is so vital that state and federal legislatures pass laws that prohibit discrimination by tech companies and protect free speech," he wrote.
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