

Evolutionists consider the freshwater paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) of the class Actinopterygii to be a prehistoric creature, a primitive bony fish “50 million years” older than the dinosaurs—making the freshwater paddlefish “350 million years” old. They look bizarre, and they have always been paddlefish.  
 進化論者は、条鰭綱の淡水ヘラチョウザメ(Polyodon spathula)を、恐竜よりも「5000万年」前の先史時代の原始的な硬骨魚とみなしています。淡水魚のヘラチョウザメを「3億5000万年」前の生物にしています。 見た目も奇抜で、太古からヘラチョウザメはヘラチョウザメだったのです。

If you looked at picture [sic] of a paddlefish, Protosephurus from the Early Cretaceous of China, you could easily see that the group has changed little in appearance over the past 120 million years.1

 This alleged “prehistoric” creature is impressively designed with special cellular sensors called electroreceptors. These hair cells are contained in a structure called the ampullary organ located on the extension or beak-like process of the paddlefish’s snout (rostrum). The fish can detect steady (tonic) electrical discharges of zooplankton—the favorite food of the American paddlefish. God also designed the paddlefish with sensory pores covering much of the skin surface that extends from the rostrum to the gill or opercular flaps.

The paddlefish has made the news recently because decades ago its habitat in Texas (they are also found in the Mississippi River basin and China) was disrupted by a dam that was built upstream. The waterflow needed for the fish to survive was altered, causing the fish to die out in the 1970s.

But think of all the environmental disasters that would befall every square inch of the Earth’s surface during the supposed 350 million years. The calamities would be legion, including earthquakes, drought, natural pollution, volcanoes, extreme changes in salinity, pH, and oxygen concentration, continental drift, asteroid strikes, flooding, and freezing. But the robust little paddlefish was able to endure all of these apocalyptic events spanning many millions of years—until it encountered a dam in Texas.

One article stated, “The distinctive fish are listed as a threatened species in Texas, and the re-stocking effort is part of a campaign to boost their population.”2 Threatened species? After 350 million years? The phrase rings hollow if the paddlefish has managed to survive all these millions of years without man’s help. In addition, it has been determined that the paddlefish requires exact river flows year-round. 
 ある記事によると、「この特徴的な魚はテキサス州の絶滅危惧種に指定されており、再繁殖はその個体数を増やすためのキャンペーンの一環である」 と述べています。絶滅危惧種?3億5千万年後に?もし、ヘラチョウザメが人間の助けなしに何百万年も生き延びてきたのなら、この言葉は空しく響きます。また、ヘラチョウザメは年間を通じて正確な河川流量を必要とすることが判明しています。

 “It’s important to know how the ecosystem works together to support these paddlefish, but not just paddlefish—all other species of fish that require those specific flows in the river throughout the year,” said Tim Bister, the district fisheries biologist with the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department.3
 テキサス州公園野生生物局の地区漁業生物学者であるTim Bister氏は、「ヘラチョウザメだけでなく、年間を通じて特定の流量を必要とする他のすべての種類の魚を支えるために、生態系がどのように機能しているかを知ることが重要です」と述べています。

The paddlefish is a freshwater fish that survived the Genesis flood thousands of years ago.




