The Oldest Known Jellyfish
by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Aug. 17, 2023
Paleontologists continue to identify creatures that inhabited the waters of the “ancient” Cambrian ocean to be just like what we find in the shallow seas of the 21st century.
If you were to swim in the ‘Cambrian seas’ (from the time before the Flood), what would you find? An amazing variety of complex life forms such as echinoderms (e.g. sea stars), lampshells, snails, clams, and perhaps the most complex of all invertebrates: the shelled squids we call the nautiloids.1,2 We would also find the complex arthropod called the trilobite3 (extinct today) with its geometrically amazing compound eyes.
Now we can add to this list a recent discovery of the oldest known swimming jellyfish: “The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) announces the oldest swimming jellyfish in the fossil record with the newly named Burgessomedusa phasmiformis.”4 This creature was found in the Burgess Shale.5
そして今、これらに最近発見された最古の泳ぐクラゲが加わりました。ロイヤル・オンタリオ博物館(ROM)は、新たにBurgessomedusa phasmiformisと命名された、化石記録の中で最古の泳ぐクラゲを発表しました。この生き物はバージェス頁岩で発見されています。
The discovery was formally introduced in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: “Here we describe Burgessomedusa phasmiformis gen. et sp. nov., the oldest unequivocal macroscopic free-swimming medusa in the fossil record. Our study is based on 182 exceptionally preserved body fossils from the middle Cambrian Burgess Shale. (Raymond Quarry, British Columbia, Canada).”7
この発見は、英国王立協会紀要(Proceedings of the Royal Society B)において正式に「バージェソメドゥーサ・ファスミフォルミス(Burgessomedusa phasmiformis)」として紹介されています。本研究は、カンブリア紀中期のバージェス頁岩(カナダ、ブリティッシュコロンビア州、レイモンド採石場)から産出した、例外的に保存状態の良い182体の化石に基づいています。
There’s nothing simple about the jellyfish. Even though they are about 95% water, that remaining five percent is incredibly intricate.8 Their sophisticated life cycle includes both asexual and sexual phases.
Cnidarians[, prounounced ”nye-DARE-ee-unz,”] have complex life cycles with one or two body forms, a vase-shaped body, called a polyp, and in medusozoans, a bell or saucer-shaped body, called a medusa or jellyfish, which can be free-swimming or not. While fossilized polyps are known in ca. 560-million-year-old rocks, the origin of the free-swimming medusa or jellyfish is not well understood.4 (Emphasis added.)
刺胞動物("nye-dare-ee-unz "と発音される)はcomplex life cyclesを有しており、ポリプと呼ばれる花瓶の形をした1つか2つの体をもつものと、水母亜門ではメデューサやクラゲと呼ばれる鐘型や円盤型の体をもつものがいます。彼らは自由に泳ぐことも、できないこともあります。約5億6,000万年前の岩石からポリプの化石が発見されていますが、自由に泳ぐメデューサやクラゲの起源はよくわかっていません。
Not surprisingly, Burgessomedusa is much like jellyfish today, having “a typical saucer or bell-shaped body” and “by comparison with modern jellyfish, Burgessomedusa would also have been capable of free-swimming and the presence of tentacles would have enabled capturing sizeable prey.”4
As mentioned above, conventional science is unable to explain the origin of these amazing creatures.9 There is no evidence that any cnidarians evolved from a non-cnidarian ancestor over long ages, as claimed by evolutionary scientists. Moon et al stated, “Cnidarians are thought to represent one of the earliest-diverging branches of animals, making them key for understanding the origin of Bilateria [an animal arranged such that one plane divides it into two halves that are approximate mirror images], but the origin and early evolution of medusozoans, and of the medusa stage in particular, remains poorly constrained by the fossil record.”7
前述したように、従来の科学では、この驚くべき生物の起源を説明することはできません。進化論者が主張するように、長い年月をかけて刺胞動物が非刺胞動物の祖先から進化したという証拠はありません。Moon らは「刺胞動物は、動物の中で最も早く分岐した枝のひとつであると考えられており、左右相称動物(一平面でほぼ鏡像の二腔に分かれるように配置された動物)の起源を理解する上で鍵となります。しかし、水母亜門の起源と初期の進化、特にメデューサの進化については、化石記録では不自然さが残っており、十分とは言えません」と述べています。
] Regardless, fossil specimens found in past decades, including Burgessomedusa, “show that the Cambrian food chain was far more complex than previously thought.”4
This is exactly what creation scientists expected. What is not found are simple life forms that are hard to classify and that were thrown together by random chance and time. Instead, scientists find a stunning variety of complex forms of life, created complete and fully-formed, interacting in intricate food chains in the world today and as fossils in Flood rocks. The creation model predicts that no ancestral forms will ever be found of the Cnidaria, or any other creatures, for they never existed. Each basic body plan (such as the Bilateria) was created directly by the Lord Jesus without any evolutionary lineages, a conclusion amply supported by fossil data.