

Uniquely Human Eyes

by Brian Thomas, Ph.D. | Feb. 27, 2023

Biologists have long noted that unlike most animals, humans have sclera—that white ring around the iris. In the ICR video Adam or Apes, I tried to explain that humans discern many unspoken messages just through interpreting our uniquely human eyes. For example, eye contact informs the degree of engagement, and eye direction—such as an eye roll—can express exasperation or guilt. Critics of our video countered that animals actually do have visible sclera, as if that was the relevant topic. New research published in the Journal of Human Evolution confirms that some wild chimpanzees have visible sclera. Are our eyes still uniquely human? Three observations confirm it.
 生物学者たちは、ほとんどの動物と違って、人間には虹彩の周りに白い輪のようなもの(強膜)があることを長い間指摘してきました。ICRのビデオ「Adam or Apes(アダムかサルか)」で、私は「人間は人間特有の目の解釈(動き、様子)だけで、多くの無言のメッセージを察知することができること」を説明しました。例えば、アイコンタクトは関与の度合いを示し、目を丸くするなどの視線の方向は、憤慨や罪悪感を表わすことができます。このビデオに対して、「動物にも強膜がある、強膜は人間特有のものではない」と反論されました。確かにJournal of Human Evolution誌に掲載された新しい研究により、一部の野生のチンパンジーは強膜をもつことが確認されています。では、私たちの目は、それでも、人間特有のものなのでしょうか?


First, unwary viewers may fall prey to a bait-and-switch argument. It essentially goes like this: Since uniquely human white sclera enables uniquely human communication, and since some animals also have sclera, therefore human eyes are not unique after all.

Is this a valid conclusion? Not at all, for it remains logically possible for all humans to have and use sclera while a few animals happen to have but do not use their sclera the same way. And, in fact, that is the case. Visible sclera in some animals is the bait in this argument, and uniquely human eyeball-oriented communication is the switch.

Just because an animal has some visible whites of its eyes does not mean that others in its troop can discern any information from them.

A second observation that confirms uniquely human use of visible sclera for communication follows from the new study’s main finding. They wrote, “sclera occurs at small but non-trivial numbers in Pan troglodytes (chimps).”2 In other words, the big majority of chimps still have no sclera. If chimps could use their sclera to discern information like interest level through gaze length, anger level through degree of squinting, happiness level through sclera diameter, etc., like we do, then they would all have sclera.
 彼らは「強膜はPan troglodytes(チンパンジー)にも、小さいが明らかではない数で存在します」と書いています。つまり、強膜はチンパンジーの大部分で未だ確認されていないのです。もしチンパンジーが強膜を使って、人間のように視線の長さで興味度を、目を細める程度で怒り度を、強膜の直径で幸福度を、といった情報を識別できるとしたら、彼らは皆強膜をもっていることになります。

This evolutionary study and others like it instead ask merely about the distribution and size of sclera in animals, as if that’s all one needs in order to chat with folks. Questions about how human communication began need only look at communication. We also need—and humans are born with—the software that runs our uniquely human sclera hardware.

Ironically, scientists have already deciphered that chimp interpersonal communication software gathers more information from rumps than from faces!

Finally, the human evolution study authors wrote in their conclusion, “Our findings do not support or refute prior hypotheses for the function of white sclera in humans.”2 Here, they admit that sclera in some individual chimps and some other individual animals say nothing about the real question of interest—why all healthy humans have both sclera and the innate ability to communicate in another dimension with other fantastic, familiar faces.
 最後に、人類の進化を研究している著者たちは、結論として「今回の発見は、人における白色強膜の機能に関する先行仮説を支持も否定もしません」 と書いています。ここで彼らは、一部のチンパンジーやその他の一部の動物に見られる強膜は、関心のある本当の問題について何も答えていないことを認めています。そして、すべての健康な人間が、強膜や他の素晴らしい表情による異次元のコミュニケーションができる生来の能力の両方を備えているのはなぜですか?

That shortcoming didn’t stop them from wild speculation, as if counting sclera in today’s animals is somehow sufficient to explain how yesterday’s humans all had them. They wrote, “Given that evolution by natural selection acts on variation, it is not surprising that our closest living relatives provide compelling glimpses into our unusual eyes.”2
 研究たちは、「自然選択による進化が変異に作用することを考えれば、最も近い親戚が我々の特殊な目を垣間見せてくれることは驚くことではありません」 と書いています。

What a faith statement! Natural selection here, as usual, substitutes for an actual Creator. Authors imbue the phrase with imagined power to act even though it is not a real actor. Next, animals are assumed to be human relatives despite universal discontinuity between the two. Last, their actual findings provide no glimpse at all (by their own admission above) into the origin of our human eyes. The only shred of their closing statement that accords with observation is that we humans do indeed have “unusual eyes.”

