

World’s Oldest Antibody or Really Wrong Age?


by Brian Thomas, Ph.D. | Oct. 9, 2023

A new technical report focusing on antibodies from Medieval human teeth also reported the discovery of antibodies from inside a wooly mammoth bone.1 Radiocarbon dating methods pinned tens of thousands of years to the mammoth fossil. Antibodies are relatively small proteins found in all kinds of body tissues. They contain a particular bond that should not last for eons. It seems that we lack some understanding either of antibody decay or of radiocarbon age-dating. Or is it both?

In a stunning result, the team extracted the antibodies from mammoth bone and watched them bind antigens. Despite their apparently great age, these tiny proteins still retained enough of their structure to do their jobs. Antibodies only work if they have a particular chemical bond between two sulfur atoms, called a disulfide bond.

To make this bond, two cysteine amino acids within the strand-like protein come together and oxidize into one cystine. Cystines pin together distant parts of the molecule, sort of like a belt buckle. So what? Well, all this particular chemical bond (cystine) needs to decay is some spare electrons.2 What could possibly have kept such subatomic particles from interacting with these long-buried biochemicals?
 この結合を作るために、鎖状タンパク質内の2つのシステインアミノ酸が一緒になり、酸化して1つのシスチンになります。シスチンは分子の離れた部分を、ベルトのバックルのように固定します。それで?この特殊な化学結合(シスチン)が崩壊するのに必要なのは予備の電子だけです。 そのような素粒子が、長い間埋もれていた生化学物質と相互作用しないようにするためには、何が必要だったのでしょうか?

One foundational study found that most of the cystines’ disulfide bonds had broken at high temperature over a two-day period.3 Lower temperatures merely prolong the inevitable chemistry. But for how long?

The mammoth antibody study authors wrote, “A-based affinity chromatography also revealed purified antibodies migrating on non-reducing western blot at ~150 kDa (see Figure S2B), consistent with the presence of preserved whole antibodies into deep time in calcified tissues other than teeth.”1 However, no studies show that “preserved whole antibodies” can keep their cystines that long, even while frozen in permafrost. Their result seems consistent with deep time only after assuming the very deep time they concluded. Their conclusion also seems to leapfrog some biochemistry.
 マンモスの抗体研究の著者は、「Aベースのアフィニティークロマトグラフィーでは、非還元ウエスタンブロットで〜150 kDaで移動する精製抗体も発見され(図S2B参照)、歯以外の石灰化組織で深い時間まで保存された全抗体の存在と一致しました。」と書いています。しかし、「保存された全抗体」が永久凍土で凍結している間でも、シスチンをそれほど長く維持できることを示す研究結果はありません。彼らの結果は、彼らが結論づけた非常に深い時間を仮定して初めて、深い時間と一致するように思われます。また、彼らの結論は、生化学的な結論を飛び越えているようにも思えます。

These mammoth antibodies look too young to be that old.

So, could the radiocarbon “age” be too old? Radiocarbon experts have wrestled for decades over what they call “offsets” between younger archaeologically-determined ages and older radiocarbon age assignments for the same artifacts.

For example, after a lifetime of trying to resolve systematic offsets at particular dig sites in Egypt, Manfred Bietak wrote in his book Radiocarbon and the Chronologies of Ancient Egypt that “…the radiocarbon results from Tell el-Dab’a show an average offset of 120 years. The dates are too high.”4 He then cited examples of bloated radiocarbon results for other sites, including Egypt, Cyprus, and the Aegean region.
 例えば、Manfred Bietak氏は、エジプトの特定の発掘現場における体系的なオフセットを解決するために生涯をかけた後、著書『Radiocarbon and the Chronologies of Ancient Egypt』の中で次のように書いています:

「Tell el-Dab'aの放射性炭素の結果は、平均120年のオフセットを示しています。日付が高すぎます。」そして、エジプト、キプロス、エーゲ海地域など、他の遺跡の放射性炭素の結果が肥大化している例を挙げています。

Bietak then wrote, “The offset seems to be a wider eastern Mediterranean phenomenon which can be recognized by a network of imports and exports all over the area.”5 If this offset is in fact worldwide, and if carbon “ages” keep inflating with ever-older artifacts, then the mammoth’s antibodies may be much younger than their radiocarbon result indicated. After all, Carbon-14 dates rely on the atmospheric ratio of C-12/C-14 in the past, which no one knows.

Still-fresh antibodies in this fossil combined with bloated radiocarbon dates cast fresh doubt on any radiocarbon “ages” for this mammoth bone. Meanwhile, the historical records in the Bible do not suffer from the same unknowable assumptions that plague attempts at building history based on fickle decay processes. In the Bible’s timeline, these mammoths would be no older than Noah’s Flood, about 4,500 years old. That would help explain why they still have antibodies that work.

