Two separate spider research projects published remarkable results, both in the journal Current Biology. These spiders’ specific features show their miniature skills, and cause us to marvel at their Maker.
2つの別々のクモの研究プロジェクトが、『Current Biology』誌に驚くべき結果を発表しました。
Andrew Gordus is a neurobiologist and was the senior author of a recent spider web study. He told Johns Hopkins University, “After seeing a spectacular web, I thought, 'if you went to a zoo and saw a chimpanzee building this you'd think that's one amazing and impressive chimpanzee.' Well this is even more amazing because a spider's brain is so tiny.”1
The expertise encoded in spider brains must have come from an actual expert.2
Another study reported on the webbing from jumping spiders (family Salticidae). Unlike orb weavers that catch food that lands in their nets, jumping spiders pounce on their prey. Biologists from Harvard University noted that jumping spiders spin a silk thread during their rapid jump motion.
If these spiders spin their silk too fast, webbing would spool onto the ground in useless heaps. If they spin too slow, the silk strand would jerk them out of the air mid-jump. Therefore, “this silk must be spun at the same speed as the spider jumps.”3
The team tested the toughness of this fast-spun silk, finding it outperformed most other spider silks. How can it be so tough even when it comes out so fast? The study authors called it “extraordinary.” If the adjectives “amazing and impressive” and “extraordinary” befit that which God created, then they apply just as well to the Creator Himself.
研究チームは、この高速で紡がれたシルクの強度をテストし、他のほとんどのクモのシルクよりも優れていることを発見しました。こんなに速く出てくるのに、どうしてこんなに丈夫なのか?この研究の著者たちは、これを "驚異的 "と呼んでいます。