
Man’s Quest For Immortality: Attempting To Replant The Tree Of Life With Technology
ByDean Dwyer
January 14, 2023
A fun game that conservatives like to play with progressives is to ask simple questions and watch them squirm. This was highlighted recently as multiple politicians and avid citizen journalists asked the question, “what is a woman?” Needless to say, some of the answers were comical, bordering on ridiculous. However, the broader question that should be asked is this: what is a human being? The reason I pose this question is due to the fact that our society’s view of what it means to be human is going to lead us in a direction which has the propensity to alter the fundamental nature of humanity.
We don’t have to read too far into the Bible in order to understand how human beings came to be on planet Earth. Genesis 1:26-27 explains:
Genesis 1:26-27 KJV – “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
26 神は仰せられた。「さあ人を造ろう。われわれのかたちとして、われわれに似せて。彼らが、海の魚、空の鳥、家畜、地のすべてのもの、地をはうすべてのものを支配するように。」27 神は人をご自身のかたちとして創造された。神のかたちとして彼を創造し、男と女とに彼らを創造された。
So, we can establish some fundamentals: human beings were made by God; human beings were made to worship God; and it was intended that human beings would enjoy His presence for all eternity. Now, we know that when sin entered the world, we became subject to death and eternal judgement. It is not my intention to deal with that issue in detail throughout this article. Instead, I want to focus on those who hold a different view of the origin and destiny of mankind. Because the moment you substitute the truth of mankind’s origin and destiny, it is the moment you have to invent your own. For believers, the Holy Spirit has revealed to us through the Word that we may inherit eternal life in God’s presence by having faith in Jesus (John 14:6). But for those who do not believe in the soul of mankind, they need to invent an eternity for themselves. This is the intention of transhumanism.
The quest for upgrading mankind and creating super-intelligence (and an inferred godhood) is an ancient belief. In its contemporary form, mankind believes it has finally found the key to eternal life through advanced computer technology. Yuval Noah Harari, an acolyte of the World Economic Forum, believes this to be the concept of homo deus – when man becomes god. In fact, he says, “History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods.” You see, man craves superintelligence and there is a modern belief that superintelligence and godhood will be the products of human ingenuity. But the most incredible part of our faith is not that man could somehow become a god but that God became a Man in the Person of Jesus Christ, to seek and to save the lost. He is the true God-Man.
人類をアップグレードし、超知性(および推測される神性)を創造することを追求するのは、古くからの信仰です。現代の人類は、高度なコンピューター・テクノロジーによって、ついに永遠の命を得るための鍵を見つけたと信じているのです。世界経済フォーラムの信奉者であるユヴァル・ノア・ハラリは、これを「ホモ・デウス」(人間が神になること)の概念だと考えています。実際、彼は 「歴史は人間が神を造りだしたときに始まり、人間が神になったときに終わる」と言っています。人間は超知性を渇望し、超知性と神性が人間の創意工夫の産物であるとする現代的な信念が存在するのはご存知の通りです。しかし、私たちの揺るぎない信仰は、人間が何らかの方法で神になれるということではなく、神がイエス・キリストという人格において人となり、失われたものを探し、救うために、人となってくださったということなのです。彼は真の神であり、人なのです。
Jesus, the Son of God, had to take on human flesh in order to redeem mankind as the Second Adam. Yuval Noah Harari believes that physical death is simply a technical problem that will yield to medical advances within the next hundred years. Not so. Death is much more than a technical problem that may be solved through technological advancement and transhumanism. Unless we are raptured, we will face the death of our bodies. Harari and his cohort believe they are replanting the tree of life intechnical form – but we know that Jesus Christ has defeated death, has risen again to be seated at the right hand of the Father and promises eternal life in the Father’s kingdom to all who accept Him as Saviour. His resurrection was not a result of advanced medical technology or bio-engineering, but by the direct action of His divine power.
When you consider the history of mankind, it becomes evident that humanity’s efforts to achieve divinity do not lead to something superhuman, but they lead to something terrifyingly subhuman. The more they try to elevate themselves, the more they sink into violence and tyranny – as was horrifically demonstrated in the 20th century. Hannah Arendt, who wrote one of the first books on totalitarianism (published in 1951) was convinced that it was rooted in a utopianism based on the rejection of God and the deification of man: “What binds these men together is a firm and sincere belief in human omnipotence. Their moral cynicism, their belief that everything is permitted, rests on the solid conviction that everything is possible. In trying to create a perverse heaven on earth, totalitarian systems acknowledge no limit on either their conduct or their aspirations. From there it is but a short distance to the mass killing of – and terror endemic to – totalitarianism: from Nazi Germany’s Auschwitz and Treblinka, to the Soviet Union’s Lubyanka prison and Perm-36 gulag, to Communist China’s Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution. The concentration and extermination camps of these regimes serve as the laboratories in which the fundamental belief of totalitarianism that everything is possible is being verified.”
人類の歴史を考えてみると、人類が神性を獲得しようとすることは、超人的なものに至るのではなく、恐ろしい結果を人間にもたらすということがわかります。20世紀に恐ろしいほど実証されたように、彼らは自らを高めようとすればするほど、暴力と専制に沈んでいきました。全体主義に関する最初の著作の 1 つ (1951 年に出版) を書いたハンナ・アーレントは、全体主義が神の拒絶と人間の神格化に基づくユートピア主義に根ざしていると確信していました:「この人たちを結びつけているのは、人間の全知全能に対する確固とした誠実な信念である。彼らの道徳的シニシズム、すべてが許されるという信念は、すべてが可能であるという確固たる信念の上に成り立っている。全体主義は、地上の天国を創造するために、その行動と願望に制限を設けない。ナチスドイツのアウシュビッツやトレブリンカ、ソ連のルビャンカ刑務所やペルミ36収容所、中国共産党の大躍進や文化大革命など、全体主義につきものの大量殺戮や恐怖は、すべてが許されるという信念に基づいたものである。これらの政権の強制収容所や絶滅収容所は、すべてが可能であるという全体主義の基本的な信念を検証する実験室として機能している。」
Though people equate life with only the life we live on this Earth, we will exist for all eternity in one of two places – God’s eternal realm or the Lake of Fire. No technology can spare you from ultimately making the decision as to where you will spend eternity. If you accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you will be with Him. If you reject Him, you will remain in a Christless eternity where there is everlasting punishment.
My prayer is that you will ignore the claims of globalists who want you to become transhuman and instead, you will choose to kneel at the cross and be washed clean by the blood of Jesus. For He holds the greatest promise in His hands:
1 John 3:1-3 KJV – “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.”
3:1私たちが神の子どもと呼ばれるために、――事実、いま私たちは神の子どもです。――御父はどんなにすばらしい愛を与えてくださったことでしょう。世が私たちを知らないのは、御父を知らないからです。 3:2愛する者たち。私たちは、今すでに神の子どもです。後の状態はまだ明らかにされていません。しかし、キリストが現われたなら、私たちはキリストに似た者となることがわかっています。なぜならそのとき、私たちはキリストのありのままの姿を見るからです。 3:3キリストに対するこの望みをいだく者はみな、キリストがきよくあられるように、自分をきよくします。
The Transhumanist Agenda | Billy Crone