Eroding Hillside Reveals Dinosaur Skin Pattern
Recently, a fossil believed to be a juvenile duck-billed dinosaur was found in a hillside in Dinosaur Provincial Park, Canada. The scientists discovered “two exposed fossils, a foot and part of a tail clad in fossilized skin” and dated them to be 75-77 million years old.1 A researcher stated this mummy has the potential of being “one of the best-preserved dinosaur fossils ever discovered.”
This hadrosaur, an ornithopod, is one of the best-preserved dinosaurs ever despite being the most “primitive” of the ornithischian suborders.2 Further careful extraction might reveal its preserved stomach contents.
The scientific community continues to be shocked at finding soft tissue in sedimentary rock allegedly many millions of years old.3,4
On the heels of such amazing discoveries, scientists also unearthed mummified dinosaurs such as the armored Nodasaurus that was found in northern Alberta, Canada in 2011. Jason Daley of Smithsonian Magazine stated,
The fossil remains are incredibly lifelike, resembling a sleeping dragon. According to National Geographic, which sponsored the five-year, 7,000-hour preparation of the fossil, it’s likely that the 3,000-pound,18-foot-long creature died in or near a river. Then its bloated carcass floated out to sea before sinking back-first into the muck where fossilization began.5
In 2009, a mummified hadrosaur nicknamed “Dakota” was discovered in the Hell Creek Formation of North Dakota. This shocked evolutionists because the specimen was extremely well preserved after supposedly 66 million years had passed.6
As usual, when it comes to explaining fossils, mainstream researchers admitted that the demise of these hadrosaurs was due to a sudden, catastrophic event that, in this case, preserved it perfectly. Brian Pickles, a paleontologist and ecology professor at the University of Reading told USA Today,
It's hard to imagine. This animal died 76 million years ago. It’s been perfectly preserved since then and it just happened to be just starting to erode out of this cliff when we were walking by . . . this animal probably either died and then immediately got covered over by sand and silt in the river . . . or it was killed because a river bank fell onto it.1
「想像もつきません。この動物は7600万年前に死んだのです。それ以来、完璧に保存されており、私たちが通りかかったとき、たまたまこの崖から侵食され始めたところでした ... この動物はおそらく、死んですぐに川の中の砂やシルトに覆われたか ... 川岸が落ちてきて死んだのでしょう。」
One is reminded that a flood of epic proportions—not a river or its bank—might swiftly overwhelm the creature with silt and sand, causing exceptional preservation.7 Indeed, through the decades, there have been significant advances in sedimentation theory causing geologists to recognize that most rock units are the result of widespread, high-intensity processes. Geologic work traditionally attributed to gradual and slow actions have now been seen to be accomplished in just minutes.8
The waters prevailed fifteen cubits upward, and the mountains were covered. And all flesh died that moved on the earth: birds and cattle and beasts and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, and every man.9