An Amazing Plant Defense
by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Feb. 20, 2023
Although plants are not alive in the biblical sense,1 scientists continue to discover just how complex they are.2
It has been known for decades that plants have been designed with a fascinating immune system,3 but many questions still remain. Recently, another mystery has been solved: why pathogens cannot ordinarily enter the water pores, called hydathodes, of the leaves.
Viewing the leaves of plants, one may see the process of guttation—the release of drops of xylem sap (containing sugars and potassium) from leaf tips. Guttation occurs mostly at night when humidity is high and transpiration (the release of water vapor through the stomata) is temporarily inhibited. The hydathode is the structure responsible for guttation.
When plants take up more water via their roots than they lose through evaporation, they can use their water pores [hydathodes] on the leaf margins to release excess water. The pores literally prevent root water pressure from becoming too high. This is an important mechanism, but at the same time, risky. Pathogenic microorganisms can enter the plant's veins through these sap droplets to colonize the water pores.4
Because the hydathodes connect the plants vasculature to the external environment, the Creator also designed them as an active part of the defense against bacteria and other invaders, “The biologists discovered that the water pores are part of both the plant's first and second line of defense against bacteria. In other words, they are involved in both the rapid initial response and the follow-up actions against the invaders.”4
The scientists used a model plant called Arabidopsis or thale cress of the Brassicaceae family. This plant is used in botany research labs throughout the world. They also included two types of harmful bacteria: Xanthomonas campestris (a bacterium that causes a number of plant diseases including "black rot" in vegetables such as broccoli, brussel sprouts and cabbage) and Pseudomonas syringae (one of the most studied plant pathogens).
科学者たちは、アブラナ科のモデル植物であるシロイヌナズナ(Arabidopsis または thale cress)を用いました。この植物は、世界中の植物学の研究室で使われているものです。また、それらには2種類の有害なバクテリアも含まれていました。Xanthomonas campestris(ブロッコリー、芽キャベツ、キャベツなどの野菜の「黒斑病」をはじめ、多くの植物の病気を引き起こす細菌)とPseudomonas syringae(最も研究されている植物病原体の一つ)です。
Specifically, the scientists used mutants of Arabidopsis with deficiencies in their immune system that made them more susceptible to infection with the disease-causing bacteria.
What did they find? Two protein complexes were discovered: EDS1-PAD4-ADR1 that mediates (or moderates) Arabidopsis pattern-triggered immunity (PTI).
We propose that the EDS1–PAD4–ADR1 node is a convergence point for defence signalling cascades, activated by both surface-resident and intracellular LRR [leucine-rich repeat] receptors, in conferring pathogen immunity.5
我々は、EDS1-PAD4-ADR1ノードが病原体の免疫性を付与する際に、表面常在および細胞内LRR [leucine-rich repeat] 受容体によって活性化される防御シグナルカスケードの収束点であると提唱しています。
They also discovered BAK1 that interacts with Arabidopsis cell-surface RLK (receptor-like kinase) pattern-recognition receptors that activate PTI.6 These obviously designed and highly intricate complexes prevent bacteria from multiplying in the water pores.
さらに、BAK1がシロイヌナズナの細胞表面のパターン認識受容体であるRLK(receptor-like kinase)と相互作用し、PTIを活性化することも発見しました。これらの明らかに設計された高度に複雑な複合体は、水孔でバクテリアが増殖するのを防いでいます。
“The same immune responses also prevent these bacteria from advancing further into the plant interior. In addition, we discovered that when this first line of defense occurs, the water pores produce a signal that causes the plant to produce hormones that suppress further spread of the invading bacteria along the vascular system" [Harrold van den Burg, who led the team of researchers]. The team thus provides an important fundamental insight into how these natural entry points for bacteria have evolved and are protected by the plant's immune system.4
「また、同じ免疫反応によって、これらのバクテリアが植物内部にさらに進入するのを防ぐことができます。さらに、この第一線の防御が行われると、水孔から信号が発せられ、植物がホルモンを分泌して、侵入した細菌が血管系に沿ってさらに広がるのを抑えることを発見しました」[研究チームを率いるハロルド・ファン・デン・ブルグ(Harrold van den Burg)]。
Cell biologists of all stripes applaud such groundbreaking research, of course. But creation scientists challenge that these complex natural entry points evolved, evidently through chance and time. Instead, we would say the researchers gained an important fundamental insight into the clear design of these natural entry points for bacteria and are protected by the plant's immune system.