Did Our Middle Ear Evolve from Fish Gills?
by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Nov. 28, 2022
A recent SciTechDaily article begins by saying, “Embryonic and fossil evidence proves that the human middle ear evolved from the spiracle of fishes”1 That’s quite a statement considering “prove” means to show beyond any doubt. However, the original paper by Gai et al. in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution was more reserved and cautious.2
最近のSciTechDailyの記事は、「人間の中耳は魚類の気門から進化したことを胚や化石の証拠が証明しています」という書き出しで始まっています。「証明」とは、疑いを越えて示すという意味であることを考えると、これはかなりの発言と言えます。しかし、Frontiers in Ecology and Evolutionに掲載されたGai氏らの原論文は、より控えめで慎重な内容となっています。
Regardless, the discussion centers around an extinct jawless vertebrate called Shuyu that was found in Southeast China and dated to the Silurian period millions of years ago. “Shuyu has been regarded as a key missing link as important as Archaeopteryx, Ichthyostega and Tiktaalik,” said ZHU Min, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.’1 But these animals are not missing links. Archaeopteryx had wings, feathers, and it evidently flew well.3 Ichthyostega was an ‘early’ limbed amphibian. Clack stated it was “a curious mixture of features, some of them primitive but some of them specialized and unique. Because of this, after its discovery, it did not lead to many new insights into the origin of tetrapods.”4 Tiktaalik is not a missing link, a fact confirmed after it was discovered that tetrapods were walking on open ground 397 million years ago, 18 million years earlier than Tiktaalik lived.5
それはともかく、議論の中心は、中国南東部で発見された数百万年前のシルル紀に絶滅したとされる無顎脊椎動物「Shuyu」です。「Shuyuは、始祖鳥、イクチオステガ、ティクターリクと同じくらい重要なミッシングリンクとみなされています」と、中国科学院のアカデミー会員であるZHU Min氏は述べています。しかし、これらの動物はミッシングリンクではありません。始祖鳥には翼があり、羽毛があり、よく飛んだことは明らかです。イクチオステガは「初期の」四肢をもつ両生類でした。ジェニファー・A・クラック氏は、「原始的なものもあれば、特殊でユニークなものもあり、不思議な混合体です。そのため、発見後も四肢動物の起源に関する新たな知見を得るには至らなかったのです」と述べています。ティクターリクもミッシングリンクではありません。この事実は、ティクターリクが生きていた頃よりも1800万年早い、3億9700万年前に四肢動物が平地を歩いていたことが発見された後に確認されています。
The SciTechDaily article stated, “Many important structures of human beings can be traced back to our fish ancestors, such as our teeth, jaws, middle ears, etc.”1 But where did these structures come from? For example, when it comes to jaw origin,
There is, however, no instance of a craniate [those animals with a bony or cartilaginous skull and a dorsal vertebral column] with either a gill-bearing mandibular arch or even a true spiracular gill slit. So far as can be seen from fossil and extant craniates, the foremost functional gill is the posterior hemibranch of the hyoid arch. Nor does the embryonic development of the gnathostomes [jawed vertebrates] show any evidence of a mere rudiment of a mandibular gill.
Considering these facts, one may wonder whether this theory [involving the hypothetical pre-gnathostome] still holds, and whether a more parsimonious explanation could not be that jaws have always been jaws.6
Benton appeals to “a hypothetical ancestral vertebrate” and “pre-gnathstome” when it comes to the origin of jaws.7
Michael J. Benton氏は、顎の起源について、「仮説的な祖先の脊椎動物」と「前顎口上綱」を主張しています。
What was the origin of teeth? “...The details of when, where, why, and how teeth first appeared still elude consensus”8 and, “The origin and the evolution of the vertebrate dentition continues to be a subject of considerable interest...”9
Gai et al. discusses the evolution of the spiracular region from jawless fishes to 4-legged creatures, while admitting “the origin of the spiracle is a major evolutionary puzzle and cannot be fully resolved on the basis of evidence from living vertebrates.” At the same time, “in early tetrapods, the spiracle seems to have developed first into the otic [pertaining to the ear] notch.”2 Seems? The alleged evolution of the ear region and hearing along with the myriad of problems and suppositions is clearly discussed in Clack.10
Zhikun Gai 氏らは、「気門の起源は大きな進化のパズルであり、生きている脊椎動物からの証拠に基づいて完全に解決することはできません。」と認めつつ、顎のない魚類から四本足の生物への進化を論じています。同時に、「初期の四肢動物では、気門はまずオーティック(耳に関係する)ノッチに発展したようです」。、、、ようです?耳領域と聴覚の進化とされるものは、無数の問題や仮定とともに、ジェニファー・A・クラック氏が. 2012. Gaining Ground. Second edition. Indiana University Press. 400-414 で明確に論じています。
Evolutionist Per Ahlberg spoke in glowing terms regarding his research with three others:
進化論者Per Ahlberg氏は、他の3人の研究者とともに、彼の研究について熱く語っています:
Our finding bridges the entire history of the spiracular slit, bringing together recent discoveries from the gill pouches of fossil jawless vertebrates, via the spiracles of the earliest jawed vertebrates, to the middle ears of the first tetrapods, which tells this extraordinary evolutionary story1
But the summarization of Gai, et al (including Per Ahlberg) hardly resonates with confidence in “this extraordinary evolutionary story.”
しかし、Zhikun Gai 氏ら (Per Ahlberg氏を含む)の要約は、「この驚くべき進化の物語 」への確信にはほとんど共感を呼んでいません。
In summary, no placoderm or chondrichthyan has yet been shown convincingly to possess a full, aphetohyoidean [hypothesized ancestral state], spiracular gill slit. Given that osteichthyans [bony fish] also lack such a gill slit, it seems likely that it had been reduced to a dorsally positioned spiracle in the last common ancestor of living jawed vertebrates, i.e., at the gnathostome crown group node. However, the presence of two pseudobranchs [spiracular hyoidean gill] in acanthodians [fish], which are believed to be stem chondrichthyans [rays & sharks], suggests that full reduction to the modern spiracular condition was a two-step process: an initial size reduction and shift to a dorsal position in the common ancestor of crown gnathostomes [jawed vertebrates] was followed, independently in chondrichthyans and osteichthyans [bony fish], by the loss of the anterior (mandibular arch) pseudobranch. This interpretation implies that two pseudobranchs were also present in placoderms, where no evidence of their attachment survives.2
Creationists predict evolutionists will never come to a consensus as to how our middle ear evolved from fish gills because mankind was created in God’s image 6 thousand years ago.