

The Quasicrystal :The Impossible That Became Possible

by Jonathan K. Corrado, Ph.D., P. E. | Nov. 2, 2023

When in 1982 Dr. Dan Shechtman looked at a picture his microscope had produced, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Using electron diffraction, he saw a pattern of material with a crystal structure that had never been seen before, one that was considered impossible—patterns that didn’t repeat themselves. “There can be no such creature,” Dr. Shechtman said upon observing this. It questioned a fundamental truth of science that all crystals consist of repeating, periodic patterns.1
 1982年、Dan Shechtman博士は顕微鏡が作り出した写真を見たとき、自分の目を疑いました。電子回折を使って、それまで見たこともないような結晶構造を持つ物質のパターンを見たからです。不可能と思われていた、繰り返さないパターンです。Shechtman博士は、「このような物質は存在しえない。」と述べています。この準結晶は、すべての結晶は繰り返す周期的パターンで構成されているという科学の基本的真理に疑問を投げかけたのです。

It was a finding many people didn’t believe. Shechtman’s discovery, the quasicrystal, caused him to be thrown out of his research group and even discredited by a double-Nobel Prize laureate, Linus Pauling, who said, “There is no such thing as quasicrystals, only quasi-scientists.”2 However, Dr. Shechtman stood up for his work and in 2011 was awarded his own Nobel Prize in Chemistry.1
 それは多くの人が信じなかった発見でした。Shechtman博士の発見した準結晶は、彼を研究グループから追い出し、ノーベル賞を2度受賞したLinus Paulingに「準結晶など存在しない、準科学者だけが信じていることだ」とまで言わしめたのです。しかし、Shechtman博士は自らの研究を支持し、2011年にノーベル化学賞を受賞しています。

All crystals are made up of repeating units, and the basic unit cells that comprise them had been well established. In fact, there are 14 of these cells, called Bravais lattices (discovered in 1848), and no one had ever seen a crystal that failed to fit one of these patterns.3 In 1982, Dr. Schechtman and his associates rapidly cooled an aluminum-manganese sample and observed that the alloy produced a diffraction pattern with fivefold rotational symmetry. Though this pattern couldn’t be formed by a periodic crystal, the diffraction pattern itself clearly reflected some type of orderliness in the alloy.

Following Dr. Schechtman's discovery, many more examples of this phenomenon were observed. After considerable debate, it’s now accepted that quasicrystals—a material that until then people thought totally defied the laws of nature—arise as three-dimensional analogs of Penrose tilings.4 Quasicrystals are currently being explored for applications ranging from nonstick electrical insulation and cookware to ultra-durable steel.5,6

The interesting aspect of this story is that scientists previously believed quasicrystals couldn’t exist because they were considered impossible. The symmetries of regular geometric shapes seemed so obvious and certain that no one had thought to look beyond them. What was found, though, were patterns that are both beautiful and counterintuitive as well as materials that existed all along. We simply didn’t see them for what they really were.

Similarly, Jesus fits this pattern. The grace that Jesus provides for fallen, depraved humanity—“there is none righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10)—transcends intuition. Yet by His selfless sacrifice, “He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world” (1 John 2:2).

Jesus makes the impossible possible, making Him who had “no form or comeliness” or “beauty that we should desire Him” (Isaiah 53:2) counterintuitively desirable. His sacrifice defies understanding, yet “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved” (Joel 2:32; Romans 10:13).
「 彼は主の前に若枝のように芽ばえ、砂漠の地から出る根のように育った。彼には、私たちが見とれるような姿もなく、輝きもなく、私たちが慕うような見ばえもない。」(イザヤ書53:2)

「 しかし、主の名を呼ぶ者はみな救われる。主が仰せられたように、シオンの山、エルサレムに、のがれる者があるからだ。その生き残った者のうちに、主が呼ばれる者がいる。」(ヨエル書2:32)、


As the existence of quasicrystals was thought to be impossible, so is the idea of God taking on human flesh, becoming the propitiation for humanity's sins, and opening a door for salvation. “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15).


