Spider Silk Properties Ideal for Nerve Repairs
by Staff Writer | Aug. 10, 2023
Big doesn’t always mean strong. Most of the time, strength comes from what something is made of. The proteins forming spider silk make that silk one of the strongest materials in the world. Ounce for ounce, spider silk is the strongest. The golden orb-weaver spider’s webs can stop a bee mid-flight at 20mph and can even stop small birds. If humans could create spider silk as thick as a pencil, it could stop a jet airplane mid-flight!
All spider silk is incredibly strong and tensile, but the silk of the golden orb-weaver spider catches the researcher’s eye the most, not just because of its beautiful yellow sheen, but because of its properties. According to an article published by the Medical University of Vienna, “[golden orb-weaver] silk is more tear-resistant than nylon and four times more elastic than steel, is heat stable up to 250°C, extremely waterproof and, on top of that, has antibacterial properties.”1 These features, especially antibacterial properties, are making medical doctors and researchers wonder how the silk might be utilized in the medical world.
According to the Natural History Museum, golden orb-weaver spiders, part of the genus Nephila, live in various warm regions of the world, and can be found on almost every continent.2
Spiders have specialized glands that create unique web mixtures for different purposes. Across spider species, there are 7 different types of webbing.3 According to an article in the journal Nature, most spiders do not have all 7 glands; however, it is possible to find a female orb spider with all seven.4 A Smithsonian article explained, “[silk] is produced in internal glands, moving from a soluble form to a hardened from and then spun into fiber by the spinnerets on the spider’s abdomen.”5 Each kind of silk has a specific purpose and function. The silk used for a web’s frame is the strongest.
クモには特殊な分泌腺があり、さまざまな目的のためにユニークな混合巣を作ります。クモは種類ごとに7 種類の異なるタイプの巣をもっています。ネイチャー誌の記事によると、ほとんどのクモは7つすべての分泌腺を持っていませんが、7つすべての分泌腺を持つメスのオーブスパイダーを見つけることは可能です。スミソニアン博物館は、「(シルクは)内腺で生成され、可溶性の形態から硬化した形態に移行し、その後、クモの腹部にある紡糸口金によって繊維に紡がれます。」と説明しています。シルクにはそれぞれ特定の用途と機能があります。巣のフレームに使われるシルクは最も丈夫です。
Scientists and engineers have tried to replicate spider silk for decades. But according to Dr. Brian Thomas in ICR article “The Masterful Design of Spider Webs,” man “cannot make the raw materials of silk with man-made machinery…only a spider’s silk and spinnerets can assemble the world’s most resilient biodegradable thread.”5
科学者やエンジニアは何十年もの間、クモの糸を再現しようとしてきました。しかし、ICRのブライアン・トーマス博士の記事「The Masterful Design of Spider Webs」では、「人間はシルクの原料を人工の機械で作ることはできません......クモのシルクと紡糸口金だけが、世界で最も弾力性のある生分解性の糸を組み立てることができるのです。」と説明されています。
Man might never be able to perfectly replicate the spider silk that Jesus, the Creator of the Universe designed. Nevertheless, scientists and surgeons have found another resourceful way to use His creation. A study posted on ScienceDaily.com, conducted by Christine Radtke, a Professor for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at MedUni Vienna General Hospital, showed that the silk of golden orb-weaver spiders “have great potential for nerve and tissue repair.”1 In 2016, Radtke and her colleagues developed the technique. “'The nerve fibres use the silk fibres to grow along in order to reconnect with the other end of the nerve. The silk provides the cells with good adhesion, supports cell movement and encourages cell division.’”1
ScienceDaily.comに掲載された、MedUniウィーン総合病院の形成・再建外科教授であるChristine Radtke氏が行った研究では、ゴールデンオーブウィーバー・クモのシルクは、神経や組織の修復に大きな可能性があることが示されました。2016年、Radtke氏たちはこの技術を開発しました。
Ordinarily, if an interposition graft is needed for nerve fibers to grow back together, it is only successful over short distances, “4cm, at most.”1 Radtke’s study stated that by instead using golden orb-weaver silk, the following occurs:
In an animal model, this technique successfully repaired nerve damage over distances of up to 6cm: the nerve fibres grew back together in a functional way within 9 months. At the same time, the framework of spider threads, which is a natural substance, was completely broken down by the body. Equally, spider silk does not provoke a rejection reaction.1
Spider silk is currently waiting to be certified as a medical device. Once the certification is granted, clinical trials on humans can begin.1
How could a creature that is both considered a “lower life form” than humans and so much smaller than humans produce a tiny thread of silk on its own, so complex that even the most gifted engineers cannot replicate it? In ICR article “Scientists Decode Key to Spider Web Strength,” Dr. Brian Thomas wrote, “If making mere copies of spider web structure ‘requires the consideration’ of specific elements, then it stands to reason that the origin of spider web construction also required consideration.”6 Spider silk is a perfect example of creation boasting of a real Creator and of our Savior, Jesus Christ.7
人間より「下等な生命体」とみなされ、人間よりはるかに小さい生物が、どうして、最も才能のある技術者でも複製できないほど複雑で小さな絹糸を自力で作り出すことができるのでしょう?ICRの記事「Scientists Decode Key to Spider Web Strength」の中で、ブライアン・トーマス博士は次のように書いています: