

Butterfly Variation and AI-Powered Research

by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Aug. 8, 2024

Entomologists have long been involved in the rewarding field of butterfly research. Recent Lepidopteran discoveries have been incredible and have nothing to do with real, vertical evolution.1–3

Now, artificial intelligence (machine learning or ML) is being utilized to determine visual differences between sexes of birdwing butterflies of Australasia and Southeast Asia.4
 現在、オーストラリアと東南アジアのトリバネアゲハの性別の視覚的な違いを判断するために人工知能(機械学習または ML)が活用されています。

By using high-tech machine learning Dr. Jennifer Hoyal Cuthill examined more than 16,000 male and female birdwing butterflies, with collaborators from the Natural History Museum and AI research institute Cross Labs, Cross Compass. This is the first time the visual differences between sexes have been explored across the species...4
 Jennifer Hoyal Cuthill博士は、ハイテクな機械学習を利用して、自然史博物館とAI研究機関クロス・ラボ、クロス・コンパスの協力者とともに、16,000匹以上の雄と雌のトリバネアゲハを調査しました。これは、種全体にわたって性別による視覚的な違いが調査された初めてのケースです... 

This research was conducted in part because there was a controversy between Victorian naturalists A. W. Wallace and Charles Darwin regarding which gender of the birdwing butterflies had more variation. Wallace maintained natural selection5 across sexes was the largest influence in birdwing difference. Darwin thought males had more variation, and because of that, females were attracted to the males based on their appearance.
 この研究は、ビクトリア朝の博物学者 AW ウォレスとチャールズ・ダーウィンの間で、トリバネアゲハのどちらの性別により多くの変異があるかという論争があったため、実施されました。ウォレスは、性別による自然淘汰がトリバネアゲハの違いに最も大きな影響を与えていると主張しました。一方、ダーウィンは雄の方が変異が多く、そのため雌は雄の外見に基づいて雄に惹かれると考えました。

The Phys.org article quoted Dr. Cuthill as saying,

For the first time we are able to measure the visible extents of evolution to test how much variation is present in different biological groups and among both males and females. Machine learning is giving us new information on the evolutionary processes which generate and maintain biodiversity, including in historically neglected groups.4 (emphasis added)

But are these differences within birdwing butterflies due to evolution or simply genetic variation?

Genetic diversity is related to different parts of an organism’s genome. When genomes are compared within created kinds, certain portions are very stable and remain very similar among individuals, while other parts of the genome are extremely variable. Clearly, genetic variability is part of God’s design for plants and animals, but it is employed as an engineered system with limitations. These systems of genetic variability are just beginning to be understood; they involve not only diversity in actual DNA sequence, but also diversity in heritable chemical modifications to the DNA (methylation) and in the proteins that package the DNA (acetylation).6
 遺伝的多様性は、生物のゲノムのさまざまな部分に関係しています。創造された種の中でゲノムを比較すると、特定の部分は非常に安定しており、個体間で非常に類似していますが、ゲノムの他の部分は極端に変化に富んでいます。明らかに、遺伝的多様性は植物や動物に対する神の設計の一部ですが、制限のある人工システムとして使用されています。これらの遺伝的多様性のシステムは、ようやく理解され始めたところです。実際の DNA 配列の多様性だけでなく、DNA の遺伝的化学修飾 (メチル化) や DNA をパッケージ化するタンパク質 (アセチル化) の多様性も関係しています。

Cuthill et al. describe the birdwing butterfly research in more detail in Communications Biology:
 Cuthill らはCommunications Biology でトリバネアゲハの研究についてさらに詳しく説明しています。

Validation of image embedding distances, learnt by a triplet-trained, deep convolutional neural network, shows ML can be used for automated reconstruction of phenotypic evolution achieving measures of phylogenetic [classification based on supposed evolutionary relatedness] congruence [agreement, compatibility] to genetic species trees within a range sampled among genetic trees themselves. Quantification of sexual disparity difference (male versus female embedding distance), shows sexually and phylogenetically variable inter-species disparity [notable significant difference].7
 トリプレットトレーニングされた深層畳み込みニューラルネットワークによって学習された画像埋め込み距離の検証は、遺伝樹木自体からサンプリングされた範囲内で遺伝種の樹木に対する系統発生的[想定される進化的関連性に基づく分類]の一致[一致、適合性]の尺度を達成しながら表現型の進化を自動的に再構築するために ML を使用できることを示しています。性的差異の差(男性と女性の埋め込み距離)の定量化は、性別と系統発生的に変化する種間の差異[顕著な有意差]を示しています。

The detailed research regarding the visual differences of the female and male birdwing butterflies is found within that group. Clearly, no real evolution has been documented here or in any of the Lepidoptera.8 What exactly is changing? Only “sexually and phylogenetically variable inter-species disparity [emphasis added].”7 This is not real evolutionary change.9

To conclude, the article’s title, “Research shows Darwin and Wallace both right on butterfly evolution”4 gives readers the false impression that minor variation is the same as evolution. In this study and so many others like it, the word evolution should be omitted. A more clear and scientific title would be, “Research shows Darwin and Wallace both right on butterfly variation.”
