A "40 million year old" 100% European Gnat
by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Nov. 4, 2024
Finding well-preserved creatures in amber1 is a landfall for creation scientists, much like the numerous discoveries of soft dinosaur tissue in fossils.2 Another find has been reported by the University of Copenhagen: a fungus gnat has been found entombed in amber.3 Has this in any way supported evolutionary theory? The closest the scientists could get to addressing real evolution of this fly was to state, “The researchers believe that the ancient gnat is a kind of ‘missing link’ that connects its two rare and still living relatives in Japan and the United States.”3
In the past, a potpourri of remarkably preserved animals4,5 and plants6 have been found in amber, and the preserved organisms are virtually identical to those today. Evolutionists called this lack of evolutionary change “stasis.” This is typical of all kinds of creatures that appear in the sedimentary record of the global Flood - but are still alive today. Stasis is what creationists would expect since creatures only reproduce “after their kind” as Genesis clearly states.
Another example of stasis are mites, which are eight-legged arthropods belonging to the arachnids. They also show no evolution.
Did gall mites exist in ancient times in their present forms? If these tiny creatures evolved from some other arthropod, then fossils ought to show a continuum of transformation from that arthropod ancestor to today’s gall mites. But when scientists recently described some of the earliest gall mites from their amber-trapped and finely detailed fossils, they were surprised to find just the opposite—ancient gall mites look like modern ones.7
Fresh,8 young-looking creatures9entombed in amber seem to be the norm, challenging evolution’s long ages.10 Flora and fauna entombed in amber do not document evolutionary change. There is only stasis and extinction.
The oldest known amber containing insects is — according to evolutionary dating — 146 million years old. But what is found are animal forms that remain unchanged. Secular biologists are constantly amazed that creatures displayed in such a clear sarcophagus can be identified down to genus or even species. For example, small oak tree flowers have been found dated at “90 million years old,” but they are still oak. The same is true for the oldest feather (100% feather — not a transition from a scale), the oldest mushroom, mosquito, biting black fly, and fig wasp. All that is seen in these organisms is no change (“stasis”) or the possibility of extinction.11
昆虫が入った琥珀として知られている最古のものは、進化論的年代測定によると 1億4,600万年前のものです。しかし、見つかったのは、変化のない動物の姿です。世俗生物学者は、このように透明な石棺に展示された生物が属や種まで特定できることに常に驚いています。たとえば、オークの小さな花は「9,000 万年前」のものと年代測定されたものが見つかりましたが、それはやはりオークの木なのです。最古の羽毛 (100%羽毛で、鱗からの移行ではない)、最古のキノコ、蚊、刺すブユ、イチジクバチについても同じことが言えます。これらの生物に見られるのは、変化がない(「静止」) か、絶滅の可能性だけです。
The pattern continues with this recent fungus gnat that was discovered “in a 40-million-year-old piece of amber.”3 The article by the University of Copenhagen stated,
For decades, the piece had been tucked away in the [Natural History Museum of Denmark’s] 70,000-piece amber collection. Recently, it was retrieved from the drawers and subjected to a thorough examination by a team of Polish entomologists. The insect specialists were able to identify the gnat as an extinct species [Robsonomyia henningseni] from a rare genus of predatory gnats. Today, living species of the genus are only found in Hokkaido, Japan and California.3
「この破片は何十年もの間、デンマーク自然史博物館の7万点の琥珀コレクションの中にしまわれていたものです。最近、引き出しから取り出され、ポーランドの昆虫学者チームによる徹底的な調査が行われました。昆虫の専門家は、このブヨが絶滅種 [ Robsonomyia henningseni ] であり、捕食性ブヨの希少な属に属するものであることを突き止めました。現在、この属の現生種は北海道、日本、カリフォルニアでのみ見られます。」
But R. henningseni is still a gnat of the order Diptera.
しかし、R. henningseni はやはり双翅目(ハエ目)のブヨなのです。
There are figures of another species of Robsonomyia, R. baltica, in amber that show the gnat’s amazing details, right down to wing venation.12 Such detail indicates that the amber formed rapidly to preserve the fly almost immediately. ICR’s Brian Thomas stated,
琥珀の中には、Robsonomyia 属の別の種である R. baltica の姿が残されており、羽の脈まで、このハエの驚くべき細部が描かれています。このような細部は、ハエをほぼ即座に保存するために、琥珀が急速に形成されたことを示しています。ICRのBrian Thomasは次のように述べています:
Indeed, the speed with which resin hardens, according to well-characterized chemical polymerization reactions, is why it has been used for centuries as furniture varnish. Amber hardens rapidly in the wild. In the form of sandarac, for example, it is used as incense in Arabia and as medicine by Africans. The same chemicals that comprise the majority of naturally occurring ambers can produce amber in laboratories as well. There is every scientific reason to consider ambers as having formed rapidly.13
Pelczynska et al. indeed discovered a rare genus of Robsonomyia, but it is still a gnat, and a well-preserved one at that. It was embedded in amber, not “40-million-years” ago, but during the Flood about 4,500 years ago.