One common question asked of creation scientists is “If all mankind descended from two humans, then where did all the ‘races’ come from?” New research, published in the journal Evolution no less, supports the creation-based answer to this question.
Studying ancient skulls in Argentina and surrounding areas, researchers discovered that the wide variety of head shapes they found was not generated randomly. And since typical evolutionary processes such as mutation and genetic drift supposedly occur randomly, other possible causes must be considered. The authors of the study proposed that climate and diet were “capable to generate large craniofacial divergence in a short period of time.”1
However, there must be more to the story than weather and food. Diet and climate had a limited external influence on the internal biological development mechanisms, which themselves could not have evolved. The authors admit, “The relationship between diet and facial shape…and general size variation could be related to phenotypic plasticity.”1 This “plasticity” is probably what creation researchers increasingly point to as the major cause of “variation within a kind.”2
著者らは、「食事と顔の形の関係...および一般的なサイズの変化は、表現型の可塑性に関係している可能性がある」と認めています。この「可塑性」こそ、「種類内の変異」 の主要な原因として、創造を研究している人たちが強く主張していることなのです。
This research adds to a growing list of biological examples of recent, rapid variation within kinds,3 which would be expected within a living world made only thousands of years ago. The apostle Paul referred to the Genesis account of human origins as real history: “[God] hath made of one blood [Adam and Eve] all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth” (Acts 17:26). Thus, the visible differences between peoples today, except for those caused by mutation, represent traits that were either exhibited by or were latent in Adam and Eve.
In considering questions of human origins, one common assumption is that immediate descendants always look quite similar to their parents. This can be true, but not always, as the results of the study from Argentine researcher S. Ivan Perez in Evolution demonstrated.1 Even today there is a great deal of potential for marked variation in a single generation (and there was undoubtedly much more 6,000 years ago). For example, a British couple with medium skin tone recently had twins, one with dark skin and the other with light.4 If human skin coloration follows the polygenic inheritance pattern, then it is quite possible that Adam and Eve had dark and light-skinned grandchildren. Thus, the first parents likely had medium-toned skin.
人類の起源を考えるとき、一般的によく言われるのは、直系の子孫は常に親とよく似ているということです。アルゼンチンの研究者S. Ivan PerezがEvolution誌に発表した研究結果が示すように、これは真実である場合もありますが、常にそうとは限りません。現代でも一世代で顕著に変化する可能性は大いにあります(6,000年前はもっとあったことは間違いありません)。
The pertinent question deals with where the mechanisms required for growth and development came from, complete with their blueprint for mankind’s unique general head shape, as well as its potential for plasticity of that shape within limits. Like Darwin in his famous book, these authors described how features vary, but not how they originated. The Creator has clearly addressed origins, and He indicates unequivocally that humans were made by Him and for Him, just as the evidence indicates.5