
The Beauty of Creation: Created for God’s Own Glory
by Jonathan K. Corrado, Ph.D., P. E. | Sep. 7, 2023
Have you ever wondered why a sunset on a beach is captivating, snowcapped mountains are breathtaking, and a valley filled with wildflowers is enchanting?
Scripture, as a whole, teaches that God brought the universe and everything in it into existence to magnify His own glory. The creation of all these things serves as a testament to His glory, love, grace, mercy, wisdom, power, and goodness (see Psalm 8:1; 19:1; 50:6; 89:5, among other verses). Jonathan Edwards expressed it this way:
聖書は全体を通して、神はご自身の栄光をあらわすために宇宙とそこにあるすべてのものを存在させたと教えています。これらすべての創造は、神の栄光、愛、恵み、憐れみ、知恵、力、善の証しなのです(詩篇8:1、19:1、50:6、89:5などを参照)。Jonathan Edwardsは次のように表現しています:
It appears reasonable to suppose, that it was God’s last end, that there might be a glorious and abundant emanation of his infinite fullness of good ad extra, or without himself; and that the disposition to communicate himself, or diffuse his own fullness, was what moved him to create the world.1
On this topic, Proverbs 16:4 succinctly states, “The LORD has made all for Himself.” In other words, God’s glory is the reason He created (see Romans 11:36; Colossians 1:16; and Hebrews 2:10). If God created for His glory, naturally He would find His creation beautiful since it is a reflection of His glory. Historic Christianity asserts that the origin of all beauty can be attributed to God, either through direct acts of creation or through the creative endeavors of human beings, who are considered to be bearers of the divine image.
このテーマについて、箴言16:4は 「主はすべてをご自身のために造られた」と簡潔に述べています。言い換えれば、神の栄光こそが神が万物を創造された理由なのです(ローマ人への手紙 11:36、コロサイ人への手紙 1:16、ヘブライ人への手紙 2:10参照)。もし神がご自身の栄光のために創造されたのであれば、それは神の栄光の反映であるため、当然、神はご自身の創造物を美しいと感じるでしょう。歴史的なキリスト教は、すべての美の起源は、直接の創造行為を通じて、あるいは神の像の担い手であると考えられる人間の創造的努力を通じて、神に帰せられると主張しています。
Why, then, does mankind collectively find these aspects of nature beautiful? Because, per Genesis 1:27, man was created in God’s image (imago Dei).2 What He finds beautiful, we would also find beautiful since the concept of objective beauty and the human capacity to perceive beauty can only be comprehended in relation to the objective criteria of beauty and value that are inherent in God. As the Christian historian William C. Davis has noted:
では、なぜ人類は自然のこうした側面をまとめて美しいと感じるのでしょうか?なぜなら、創世記1:27にあるように、人間は神の似姿 (imago Dei)に創造されたからです。神が美しいと感じるものは、私たちも美しいと感じるはずです。なぜなら、客観的な美の概念と美を知覚する人間の能力は、神に内在する美と価値の客観的基準との関係においてのみ理解できるからです。キリスト教歴史家のWilliam C. Davisは次のように述べています:
Values like these [artistic beauty] are what we would expect if humans (and the human environment) were created by a personal, loving, and beauty-valuing God. God’s existence is a much better explanation for the existence of nonutilitarian value than any explanation without God.3
「このような [芸術的な美しさの] 価値観は、人間 (および人間の環境) が個人的で愛情深く美を重視する神によって創造された場合に期待されるものです。神の存在は、非実利的価値の存在を神なしで説明するよりもはるかに優れた説明になります。」
When we observe nature, we can recall that God created it. The concept of God as the Creator encompasses not only the role of a Designer and Engineer responsible for the intelligibility of the universe but also that of a skilled Artist. Nature can be amazing, almost to the point of incomprehensibility. The splendor of a sunset, the radiance of the stars, and the variety of animals are all evidence of a Creator and Designer.
Observing God’s creation can inspire greater reverence for God and His handiwork. The splendor of nature serves as a reminder of God, and in nature, encircled by His creation, we might feel more connected to God. When we venerate any aspect of God’s creation, whether it be nature or another person, we recognize the significance of what God created and admire the Creator. In the end, “all of creation will see God enthroned in majesty. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord!”4
As Romans 11:36 declares, “For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever.” Here, Paul declares unequivocally that God is the source, sustainer, and owner of all creation, and glory will be His for all eternity. It is a blessing to be a part of it and beneficiaries of its immense beauty.