
(English follows)

拝啓 ジャック・ドーシー様









Dear Jack,

it has been a while since you left Twitter, and instead comes the dark-forced ruler Mr.X, depriving beloved items one by one in the name of "reformation", but in fact I reckon Twitter is getting worse day by day.
Yesterday I was forced to change the login password for nothing. I was reluctant but had to because otherwise l will lose the account. The process was so annoying, crowded and messy, it took about an hour to complete. Surprisingly at the last part, I was asked the reason for changing the password! Why? because I was forced to and that's all.  X guy really sucks!

And now the brand name, logo and the cute little blue bird were all driven away. It was a shock, I miss them so much.
"Calm down" I think you tweeted a couple of months ago when the Xguy executed his first "reform action" which many tweeters hated.
Seems you still are a resident of twitter-land , so I am a bit curious,  how you feel about current TW. Are you OK with these changes? Any regrets? Any complaints ? 
Maybe no. 

Well I don't know you, but I have an impression that you are a "very calm" person because I have I once saw you at the digital marketing kind of conference somewhere in the city with the big cathedral. You were on the podium with Sir Martin, who as well as a shareholder of twitter as he mentioned. In the session, you humbly explained revival plan ahead, which ended up being somewhat accused.  As a sincere audience, Martin's words sounded quite arrogant and mean, I thought you could be angry, you could counter-argue, but you didn't at all. You just smiled and didn't show any sort of negatives.

Under current administration, I don't know how long twitter can survive, but I wish to be a part of it as long as I can. Don't feel like starting other Twitter-ish things, or shifting to existing IG or FB accounts.Twitter has always been special.
Yes, thank you Jack so much for inventing Twitter.  It might be us responsible for failure in monetizing. 
So anyway the bluebird is freed. hope it flew back to you to bring bunch of happiness!
