

from TOEFLと書かれているものは複数意味があるものの、TOEFLテキストには1つしか意味が載ってないものです。



noun(from TOEFL)



分けて書かれているものに関してはそれぞれが膨大になるのでA 、Bとしています。




A herbivore is …

an animal
that primarily eats plants,
including leaves,
and vegetables.
Herbivores have specialized digestive systems
that allow them
to break down plant material efficiently,
often involving fermentation processes in their stomachs
or intestines.

・Herbivores include cows, deer, and rabbits.

exercise A


Exercise is …

a structured
and purposeful physical activity
designed to enhance
or maintain physical fitness,
and overall well-being.
It involves a variety of movements
that target different aspects of physical fitness,
such as cardiovascular
muscle strength,
flexibility, and coordination.

Aerobic Exercise
・Running, swimming,
and cycling are forms of aerobic exercise
that improve cardiovascular health
by increasing the efficiency of the heart and lungs.

Strength Training
・Lifting weights or using resistance bands
are examples of strength training exercises
that build and maintain muscle mass,
improve bone density,
and enhance metabolic rate.

・This is particularly important as muscle strength declines with age.

Flexibility Exercises
・Activities like yoga
and stretching routines
focus on enhancing flexibility,
which is essential
for maintaining a full range of motion in the joints,
preventing injuries,
and improving posture.

High-Intensity Interval
・Training (HIIT)
This is a form of exercise
that alternates between short bursts of intense activity
and periods of rest
or lower-intensity activity.

・HIIT is known for its efficiency in burning calories,
improving cardiovascular health,
and boosting metabolic rate
even after the workout is completed.

exercise  B


exercise can …

also refer to a task,
or activity designed
to develop skill
or understanding,
particularly in an educational or professional context.
Used to describe an activity
or problem that stimulates thinking,
practice, or preparation,
rather than physical activity.

Mathematical Exercise
・In education,
a mathematical exercise is a problem
given to students to practice
and apply mathematical concepts.

・For instance,
solving algebraic equations
can be an exercise to enhance problem-solving skills.

Strategic Exercise
・In business or military contexts,
a strategic exercise
might involve running simulations or planning scenarios
to prepare for potential challenges
or improve decision-making processes.

Thought Exercise
・A thought exercise, or thought experiment,
is a hypothetical scenario
to explore ideas,
or concepts.

・For example,
Einstein's famous thought exercise about riding alongside a beam of light
helped him develop the theory of relativity.



Lava is …

molten rock
that emerges from a volcano during an eruption.
Once the magma
(molten rock beneath the Earth's surface)
reaches the surface,
it's called lava.
As lava flows out,
it cools and solidifies,
forming new rock formations.

Volcanic Eruption
・During a volcanic eruption,
lava flows down the sides of the volcano,
creating rivers of molten rock.

Lava fields
・Large areas covered by cooled and solidified lava,
like those found in Hawaii,
are called lava fields.

Pahoehoe Lava
・This is a type of lava flow
that has a smooth,
or rope-like surface,
common in basaltic lava flows.



Territory refers to …

an area of land
that is under the jurisdiction
or control of a specific entity,
such as a government, organization,
or animal.

National Territory
・A country’s borders define its territory,
which includes land,
and airspace under its control.

・For instance,
the territory of France
includes mainland France
and its overseas regions.

Animal Territory
・Many animals,
like wolves or lions,
establish and defend a specific territory
where they live,
and raise their young.

Colonial Territory
・During the colonial era,
European powers established territories
in other parts of the world,
like the British territories in India or Africa.



Imagine means …

to form a mental picture
or concept of something
that isn’t currently present
or hasn’t yet occurred.

It’s the power of your mind to create new ideas,
or visions,
whether they're based on reality
or entirely fictional.

Imagination is the fuel for creativity
and innovation,
allowing you to think beyond the limits of
what currently exists.

Creative Visualization
・When you imagine yourself achieving a big goal,
like giving a successful presentation
or writing a novel,
you’re using your mind’s ability
to create a vivid,
detailed picture of the future
you want to bring to life.

・Ever found yourself lost in thought,
imagining what it would be like
to travel to another planet
or live in a different era?

・That’s your imagination in action,
letting you explore endless possibilities.

・Scientists and inventors often imagine new solutions to problems,
picturing what a breakthrough might look like before it becomes reality.

・Think of how the concept of space travel
was once just imagined
by visionaries before becoming real!



Usage refers to …

the way in which something is used
or the manner in which words,
or resources are utilized in practice.
Usage often reflects the habits, rules,
or patterns
associated with how something is applied in various contexts.

Language Usage
・The correct usage of the word "effect" versus "affect" can be tricky in English,
as they have different meanings and functions
in a sentence.

Resource Usage
・Efficient usage of water in a household
can help conserve this vital resource,
reducing waste and lowering utility bills.

Technology Usage
・The usage of smartphones has skyrocketed in the past decade,
becoming an integral part of daily life for communication,
and entertainment.



Grain refers to …

hard seeds
or the harvested seeds of cereal crops
that are used as food.

It can also refer to the texture or pattern of a material.

Grains are foundational to agriculture and food production,
providing energy and nutrients
to billions of people globally.

Cereal Grain
・Wheat, rice, oats, and corn are common types of grains
that are essential staples in diets worldwide.

・These grains are ground into flour or cooked as whole grains.

Wood Grain
・The grain of wood
refers to the natural patterns and textures
seen in a piece of wood,
often highlighted
when the wood is polished or finished.

A Grain of Salt
・This phrase is often used metaphorically,
as in
"take it with a grain of salt,"
meaning to
view something with skepticism or caution.



Adopt means

to take something as your own,
whether it’s an idea,
a practice, a responsibility,
or even a person or animal.
Adoption reflects
a commitment to embracing and integrating something new into your life,
often with a sense of responsibility and care.

Adopting a Child
・When a couple adopts a child, they legally take on the role of the child's parents, providing them with a permanent home and family.

Adopting a Pet
・Many people choose to adopt dogs or cats
from animal shelters,
giving these animals a new home and care.

Adopting a New Practice
・A company might adopt new technology or practices to improve efficiency, like adopting a new software system for project management.

Adopting a Custom
・When moving to a new country,
people often adopt local customs and traditions
to better integrate into the culture.



Investment refers to …

the act of committing money,
or resources
to something with the expectation of gaining a return
or benefit in the future.

Financial Investment
・Buying stocks,
or real estate with the goal of earning a profit
or increasing wealth over time
is a common form of financial investment.

Education Investment
・Pursuing higher education,
like a college degree or professional training,
is an investment in your future,
aiming to improve your skills and career prospects.

Time Investment
・Spending time building relationships or developing a skill,
like learning a new language
or playing an instrument,
is an investment
that can lead to personal growth and satisfaction.

Business Investment
・When a company invests in new technology, research, or infrastructure, it aims to enhance its productivity, efficiency, or market position, expecting to see a return in terms of increased profits or market share.


A  proposal is …

a formal plan,
or offer put forward for consideration or action.

It’s often used in professional,
or business contexts
to outline a specific course of action,
or idea that requires approval or support.

Business Proposal
・In the corporate world,
a business proposal is a detailed document
presented to potential clients or investors,
outlining a plan for a project,
or product.

・It includes objectives,
financial projections,
and the benefits of the proposal to the client or investor.

Research Proposal
・In academia,
a research proposal is a document
that outlines a planned study.

・It includes the research question,
literature review,
and the significance of the research.

・This proposal is often submitted for approval
before the research can begin,
especially when seeking funding or academic support.

Marriage Proposal
・In a personal context,
a marriage proposal is when one person formally
asks another to marry them.

Project Proposal
・In project management,
a project proposal outlines a plan for a specific project,
detailing the objectives,
resources needed,
and expected outcomes.

・It is usually submitted to stakeholders
or management for approval
before the project can commence.



Vibration refers to …

the rapid back-and-forth movement or oscillation of an object,
or system.

This motion can occur in solids,
and gases,
and is often a response to some form of energy input,
like mechanical forces,
or electromagnetic energy.

Understanding vibration is crucial
in many scientific and engineering fields
because it can affect the behavior,
and functionality of systems and structures.
Whether it's damping vibrations to prevent damage
in buildings or harnessing them
in innovative technologies,
managing vibration is essential
for optimizing performance and ensuring safety.

Mechanical Vibration
・In engineering,
mechanical vibrations are common in machinery,
where components like engines, gears,
or turbines oscillate
due to rotating or moving parts.

・Monitoring and controlling these vibrations is crucial for maintaining the integrity and performance of equipment, as excessive vibration can lead to wear, fatigue, or failure of materials.

Acoustic Vibration
・Sound waves are essentially vibrations
that travel through air or other media.

・For instance, when you play a guitar,
plucking the strings causes them to vibrate,
producing sound waves
that your ears perceive as music.

Seismic Vibration
・In geology,
the vibrations generated by earthquakes
are known as seismic waves.

・These waves travel through the Earth's crust,
and their intensity and frequency
can be measured to assess the earthquake's magnitude and impact.

Vibration in Electronics
・In the world of electronics,
piezoelectric materials can generate vibrations when an electric field is applied,
or conversely,
generate an electric charge in response to mechanical vibrations.

・This principle is used in devices like sensors,
and quartz watches.



Previous refers to …

something that immediately preceded something else
in a sequence or time.
It’s often used
when talking about a specific point in a series or timeline.

Previous typically implies a direct, immediate connection to
the present
or to the specific event being discussed.

Previous Job
・If you’re currently in a new job,
your "previous job" would be the one you held right before your current one.

Previous Meeting
・If you’re in a meeting now,
the "previous meeting" would be the one
that happened right before this one.


"Previous" and "former" are both used
to describe something
that came before in time,
but they have different nuances and usage contexts.

Former often carries a sense of permanency。

It suggests that the person,
or state has changed
and is not likely to return to its previous condition.

Former refers to …

or someone that existed in an earlier time,
but is not necessarily immediately before the current situation.
It can indicate a more distant past
or something that is no longer
in the same state or role.

Former President
・A "former president" refers to someone who held the position of president
at some point in the past,
but it doesn’t specify
whether they were the most recent president
or one before that.

Former Employee
A "former employee" is someone who used to work for a company but is no longer employed there,
regardless of
how many other employees have come and gone since.

Key Differences

Sequence vs. Status

Previous focuses more on the sequence in time,
while "former" emphasizes a past status or role,
often implying
that it’s been replaced or is no longer current.

So previous generally refers to something
that directly preceded,
while former can refer to something
that was in the past,
without necessarily being the most recent.



Treatment refers to …

the process or method of dealing with a condition,
or situation with the aim of improving,
curing, or managing it.
The term is widely used in medical,
and other professional contexts.
Key Aspects

Purpose the main goal of treatment is
to address a specific problem or condition, aiming for improvement, cure, or management.

Variety of treatment
can be applied in numerous context
—smedical, psychological, environmental,
or even industrial—
depending on the nature of the issue at hand.

Approach to treatment
often depends on the diagnosis,
underlying causes,
and desired outcomes,
and it may involve a combination of methods
or interventions.

Medical Treatment
・Physical Therapy.
After an injury,
a patient might undergo physical therapy as a treatment
to regain strength and mobility
in the affected area.

A doctor may prescribe antibiotics as a treatment for a bacterial infection,
aiming to eliminate the bacteria
and restore the patient's health.

Psychological Treatment
・Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
For someone dealing with anxiety, CBT might be the recommended treatment.
It involves structured sessions with a therapist to identify and change negative thought patterns.

Treatment for emotional or psychological issues
may include regular counseling sessions
to help individuals cope with stress,
or other mental health concerns.

Water Treatment
・In environmental science,
water treatment refers to
the process of purifying water
to make it safe for drinking or other uses.

・This may involve filtration, chemical treatment,
or other methods to remove contaminants.

Surface Treatment in Materials Science
・This refers to processes
like coating
or anodizing metals to protect them
from corrosion,
enhance durability,
or improve their appearance.

In professional and scientific contexts, understanding and selecting the appropriate treatment is critical for effective problem-solving and achieving the best possible outcomes.



Involve means…

to include or engage someone
or something as a necessary part or condition of an activity,
or situation.

It suggests that the person,
or factor is an essential participant or component in what is being described.

In summary,
"involve" indicates the inclusion,
or engagement of someone
or something as a crucial element
in a larger context or process.

Involving People
・Project Involvement.
A project manager might say,
"This project will involve multiple departments,"
meaning that
several departments will need to participate
or contribute to the project.

Involving Actions
・Process Involvement
Cooking a complex meal involves careful preparation and timing,
indicating that
the process of cooking requires specific steps
to be followed.

Involving Consequences
Legal Context

・In a legal case,
a lawyer might argue,
"The case involves significant financial implications,"
meaning that
financial aspects
are an important part of the case.






神部孝 TOEFLテスト英単語3800 旺文社 2014

TOEFL TEST必須英单語5600
Master 5600 of the frequently tested words on the TOEFL TEST with lists, passages, and CD's
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