




to stop or hinder something temporarily.
When someone interrupts,
they cause a break
or halt in an ongoing activity,
or process.

・He interrupted the meeting to ask a question.

Interrupt  and  interruption  are related terms with slight differences in usage

Interrupt is the action, and  interruption is the result or instance of that action.


the act or instance
of being interrupted.
It refers to the break
or disturbance caused by an interruption.

・The power outage
was a major interruption in our work.




to return to a normal state of health,
or strength
after an illness,
or difficult situation.
It can also mean to regain possession of something
lost or to restore something
to its original condition.

・After surgery,
the patient began to recover quickly,
regaining strength and mobility

・The economy is expected to recover
after the recession,
showing growth and stability.

Lost Items
・She managed to recover her lost wallet
after retracing her steps.

and noun is recovery.

They serve different roles in language.
Both refer to
the process of returning to a normal
or improved state
after experiencing some kind of setback,
or loss.

The process of returning to a normal state of health,
or strength,
or the act of regaining something lost.
It refers to the period
or act during which recovery takes place.

In summary,
"recover" is the action of getting better
or regaining something,
while "recovery" is the state
or process of being in that phase of improvement
or return.

・His recovery from the flu took about a week,
during which he rested
and took medication.

・The country's recovery after the financial crisis
was slow but steady,
with gradual improvements in employment and GDP.

・The recovery of endangered species
requires careful conservation efforts.



Carve means…

to cut into a material (like wood, stone, or meat)
to shape it,
create a design,
or divide it into pieces.

・The artist carved a beautiful statue out of marble.

Food Preparation
・He carved the roast turkey
into slices for the dinner guests.

Creating Pathways
・Over time,
the river carved a deep canyon into the landscape.

**Carve** often involves the use of a tool
to remove material,
creating something new in the process,
whether it’s a sculpture,
a path,
or simply dividing something into portions.

Our world has two very different terms.

**Carve** and **curve** are verbs with distinct meanings, though they sound similar.

Curve means …

to bend or form a shape that isn’t straight.
In summary,
"carve" is about cutting or shaping something
by removing material,
while "curve" is about bending or forming something into a smooth,
rounded shape.

・The road curves sharply to the left,
so drivers need to slow down.

Curve describes
the action of bending
or the shape that results from bending,
often related to smooth,
continuous forms without sharp angles.



Exclaim means …

to cry out or speak suddenly and passionately,
often due to strong emotions like surprise,
or joy.
When someone exclaims,
they express their feelings
or reactions in a forceful
or emphatic way,
usually with a raised voice.

Exclaim is often used in dialogue
to indicate that
a statement was made with a strong emotional reaction.
In writing,
exclamations are usually followed by an exclamation mark (!),
highlighting the intensity of the speaker's feelings.

Usage in writing, exclamations are usually punctuated with an exclamation mark (!)
to indicate the intensity
or urgency of the emotion being expressed.
Exclamations are typically brief and direct,
capturing a spontaneous reaction.

・Wow, what a beautiful sunset!
she exclaimed,
unable to hide her amazement.

・I can't believe we won the game!
he exclaimed,
jumping up and down with joy.

・That's not fair!
he exclaimed,
clearly upset with the situation.

・Watch out!
she exclaimed as the car swerved suddenly.


Hesitate …

to pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness
before making a decision, speaking,
or taking action.
Hesitation can be due to doubt,
or indecision.

・She hesitated before accepting the job offer, unsure if it was the right move for her career.

・He hesitated for a moment
before answering the difficult question.

・The soldier hesitated before stepping forward,
feeling a mix of fear and duty.

Hesitate typically involves a brief pause
or delay in response to uncertainty,
or conflicting feelings.

Hesitancy (Noun)

The state or quality of being hesitant.
a feeling of uncertainty
or reluctance that causes someone to pause
or delay in taking action.
Hesitancy often reflects an ongoing condition
or tendency to hesitate.

In summary,
"hesitate" is the act of pausing or delaying,
"hesitancy" refers to the underlying state of doubt
or reluctance that causes someone to hesitate.

・There was noticeable hesitancy in his voice
as he agreed to the proposal,
suggesting he wasn’t fully convinced.

・Her hesitancy
to commit to the project
made the team unsure about moving forward.

・The doctor's hesitancy
to prescribe the new medication
was due to concerns about its side effects.


noun(from TOEFL)
verb( agriculture 、slang どちらの意味も記載なし)

Botanical/General Meaning

Grass refers to …

the various species of plants
that have narrow leaves growing from the base.
These plants belong to the family Poaceae and are commonly found in lawns,
and fields.
Grasses are an essential part of many ecosystems,
providing food and habitat for various animals.

・The children played on the grass in the backyard.

・The field was covered in tall, green grass swaying in the wind.


・Farmers often grow grass to feed livestock.

When "grass" is used as a verb,
it has a different meaning than its common association with the plant.
As a verb, grass typically has two primary meanings,
which are more related to informal
or slang usage

Agriculture/Gardening (Less Common)
To plant grass or cover an area with grass,
typically for landscaping or farming purposes.

・They decided to grass the backyard to create a nice lawn.
- **Landscaping:** "After leveling the ground, the workers grassed the field to prepare it for use as a park."

(Informal/British Slang
To inform on someone or report them to the authorities, often used in the context of criminal activity. The person who does this is sometimes referred to as a "grass" (noun).)

・He was arrested after his accomplice grassed him to the police."

School Setting
・The students were upset because one of them grassed on their plan to skip class."



Undertake is …

a verb that means
to commit oneself
to begin and carry out a task,
or responsibility.
When someone undertakes something,
they agree to do it
and start the necessary actions to complete it.

Project Management
・She decided to undertake the project despite its challenges,
knowing it would require significant effort and time.

・The company undertook the construction of a new office building,
planning to finish it within two years.

・The scientist undertook a study
to investigate the effects of climate change
on local wildlife.

・They undertook a detailed analysis of the data
before making any conclusions.

Personal Responsibility
・He undertook the responsibility of caring for his younger siblings
after their parents passed away.

・By signing the contract,
she undertook to deliver the work by the agreed deadline.

Key Aspects here.

・Undertaking something implies a strong commitment
to seeing the task through to completion.

・It involves not just agreeing to do something
but actually beginning the necessary steps.

・It often carries a sense of responsibility or duty,
as the person is taking on a task
that may require effort,
time, or resources.



Recognize …

to identify someone or something that you have seen,
heard, or experienced before,
or to acknowledge the existence,
or legality of something.

・I didn’t recognize her at first
because she had changed so much
since we last met.

・The company recognized his hard work
by promoting him to a higher position.

・Scientists recognize the need for more research on climate change.

**Recognize** and **recognition** are related terms,
Both involve the process of identifying
or acknowledging something or someone,
but they are used in different contexts.



The act of recognizing
or the state of being recognized.
It refers to the acknowledgment of something’s existence,
validity, or achievement.

In summary,
"recognize" is the action of identifying or acknowledging,
while "recognition" is the acknowledgment or the state of being identified or acknowledged.

Acknowledgment of Achievement
・She received recognition for her contributions
to the field of medicine.

・recognition of the song brought back fond memories.

Official Acceptance
・The new government sought international recognition for its legitimacy.

Key Differences

**Recognize (Verb):**
Describes the action of identifying or acknowledging someone or something.

**Recognition (Noun):**
Refers to the state or result of being recognized or the act of recognizing.



Accomplish means …

to successfully complete
or achieve something,
especially something that requires effort,
or determination. When you accomplish a task, goal, or project, you have effectively brought it to completion.

Goal Achievement
・She worked hard
to accomplish her dream of becoming a doctor.

・The team accomplished their mission on time,
delivering the project to the client as scheduled.

Task Completion

・It took several months,
but they finally accomplished the renovation of the old house.

・By staying focused and organized,
he was able to accomplish all his assignments before the deadline.

Personal Milestones
・Learning a new language is a challenging feat to accomplish, but she did it in just a year.

・Running a marathon was
something he never thought he could accomplish,
but he trained hard and made it happen.

Dish Key Aspects out

・The word "accomplish" emphasizes the successful completion of something.

Effort and Skill
・It often implies that the task
or goal required a significant amount of effort,
skill, or determination.

・To accomplish something means you have brought it
to a definitive and satisfactory end.



Fond describes …

a feeling of affection,
or tenderness toward someone or something.
It often implies a warm,
positive emotion that is associated with familiarity, enjoyment,
or care.

Affectionate Feelings
・She is very fond of her younger brother
and enjoys spending time with him.

・He has always been fond of animals,
especially dogs.

Liking for Activities or Things
I’m quite fond of reading historical novels in my free time.

They’re fond of traveling to new places every summer.

Memories and Nostalgia
・She has fond memories of her childhood home
and the summers spent there.

・He spoke fondly of his years at university,
recalling the friendships he made.

Dish Key Aspects out

・"Fond" often suggests a gentle
or tender affection towards someone or something.

・It can also indicate a strong liking or preference
for an activity,
hobby, or object.

・The term is sometimes used to describe a positive emotional attachment to memories or past experiences.



**Tend** is a verb with two primary meanings, depending on the context in which it's used:

1.To Have a Tendency or Be Inclined(from TOEFL)

To be inclined to do something,
or to generally exhibit a particular behavior or pattern.
This usage often reflects habits, tendencies,
or likelihoods.

Behavioral Tendency
・He tends to get nervous before public speaking.

General Pattern
・Children tend to learn languages more quickly than adults.

・People in colder climates tend to wear heavier clothing.

2. To Take Care of or Look After

To care for or look after someone or something,
ensuring their well-being or proper maintenance.
This usage often relates to nurturing,
or attending to tasks,
people, or animals.

・She tends her garden every morning,
watering the plants and pulling out weeds.

Animal Care
・The farmer tends the livestock,
feeding them and keeping their stalls clean.

・Nurses tend to patients,
making sure they receive the necessary treatment and care.

Key Aspects


・The first meaning highlights a natural tendency or habitual action,
often reflecting patterns of behavior or outcomes.

・The second meaning focuses on the act of caring for
or maintaining something or someone.



Humid is …

an adjective
that describes the presence of a high level of moisture
or water vapor in the air.
When the air is humid,
it feels damp,
or heavy,
often making the temperature feel warmer than it actually is.

Weather Conditions
・The weather was hot and humid,
making it uncomfortable to stay outside for long.

・It's often very humid in tropical regions,
especially during the rainy season.

Indoor Environment
・The kitchen became humid while she was boiling water for hours,
causing condensation on the windows.

・In a humid room,
you might notice that your clothes
or papers feel slightly damp.

Effect on Comfort
・People often feel tired and sweaty in humid weather
because the moisture in the air
makes it harder for sweat to evaporate.

・A humid day at the beach can
make the sand stick to your skin.

Key Aspects

・Humidity refers to
the amount of moisture in the air,
and when it’s high,
the air is described as humid.


・Humid conditions often make temperatures feel warmer
because the moisture in the air affects how the body cools itself.


・High humidity can lead to discomfort,
as the air feels thick
and it’s harder for sweat to evaporate, making you feel hotter.



Permanent is …

an adjective
that describes something that is intended
to last or remain unchanged indefinitely
or for an extended period of time.
When something is permanent,
it is not temporary,
or likely to change.
In summary,
"permanent" refers to
something that is long-lasting, enduring,
and not expected to change or end.

Physical Objects
・She got a permanent tattoo on her wrist,
which will last for the rest of her life.

・The company is looking for a permanent office location
to settle in for the long term.

Situations or Conditions
・After years of living abroad,
they decided to make a permanent move back to their home country.

・The accident caused permanent damage to his spinal cord,
affecting his mobility.

・He was offered a permanent position at the firm
after completing his internship.

・They hired her as a permanent employee,
giving her full benefits and job security.

Legal Status
・She was granted permanent residency,
allowing her to live and work in the country indefinitely.

・The law created a permanent ban on the use of certain harmful chemicals.

Key Aspects

・Permanent things are meant to last for a very long time,
often indefinitely.

・They are not expected to change,
or be removed easily.

Opposite of Temporary
・Permanent is the opposite of temporary,
which implies something short-lived or subject to change.

~を好む(be fond of)
する傾向がある(tend to do ~)


神部孝 TOEFLテスト英単語3800 旺文社 2014

TOEFL TEST必須英单語5600
Master 5600 of the frequently tested words on the TOEFL TEST with lists, passages, and CD's
林功 ベレ出版 2011

