T's Eng13 "Screw it / それウザい、そんなもんやるかい " "that's it / 以上、ただそれだけ" グレタさんのインタビューから
How Dare You!
先日激しい口調で国際社会に訴えたスウェーデンの16歳の環境活動家グレタ・トゥーンベリさん。数年前から飛行機すらやめて廃棄物を出さないボートでNYまで来た彼女がアメリカで人気の政治風刺番組 “The Daily Show” に出演しました。
言わされている、洗脳されてる、利用されている となどたくさんの批判がありましたが、少なくとも母国語でない英語で十分に議論できるレベルで、僕は単純にすごい16歳だと思いました。 “The Daily Show” では、その様子が更によくわかります。リスニングにとても良かったので、紹介したいと思います。内容は難しい環境問題でありつつ、笑い起こったシーンから...
“Why do you think young people are so focused on climate change now? There’s a definite disconnect between older generations and younger generations when talking about the climate. Why do you think that is?”
なぜ若い世代は気候変動に注目してると思う? 気候変動の話をする時に、年配世代と若い世代との間で明らかな隔たりがあるけど、なぜだと思う?
"I mean, I think it is because we, in a way, feel like it is more direct threats. Others feel like “I won’t be alive then, anyway, screw it. ” -laughing- But we actually know that these consequences will face us during our lifetime, and it is already happening now. And it will get worse."
つまり、それは我々はある意味、気候変動をダイレクトな驚異と感じているからです。年配世代は “ どうせ生きてないんだし、そんな(気候対策は)ウザいことするかい ” (会場笑) でも、私達は、こうした結果が実際に生きている間に直面するものだということを知っています。そして、すでに現在進行系で起きていて、更に悪くなっていく。
/// 略 ///
“So then I have to ask you this: you sail from Europe to New York City. New York City is quite an assault on the senses when you come from anywhere else. What is the biggest thing that has stuck out to you in New York City?”
"これは君に聞かないといけない。ヨーロッパからNYにきて… もちろん、どこから来たとしても(感覚に)騒々しいだろうけど、 一番突出したものは何だった?"
“I mean just everything. All the impressions. Everything is so much, so big, so loud. People talk so loud here as well. -laughing- Because when you are on that boat, when I was on that boat, there is nothing. There’s just the ocean and, of course, the sound of the wave crashing. But that’s it. No smells. -laughing- Apart from sweat, but so I remember the first thing I noticed when we came to the harbor was I woke up and, suddenly I smelled something. And, of course it was pollution. But it’s still something. And that was, it was undescribable.”
"そうですね、ただ、全てです。全てって印象です。全てが過剰で、大きく、うるさい。人々の話し声もうるさい。 (会場笑) ボートにいるときは何もなかったから。ただ海があって…もちろん波打つ音はあったけど、それだけ。臭わないし。 (会場笑) 汗の匂い以外はね。港についた時初めて気づいたことを覚えてるわ。目覚めて突然何か臭いがしたわ。もちろん、それは汚染されたものだったわ。今もなんだか... そうだったわ。言葉では言いあらわせないわ。(くらい酷い)"
※ screw it (スラング) それウザい、そんなもんするかい、 やるわけないやろ、いらんわそんなもん
※ screw 人 (関わりたくない人に対して) うざい、あのボケ
※ assault on the senses (感覚を陵辱するという意味で)騒々しい、けばけばしい、慌ただしい
※ stick out 突出する, 目立つ
注) ここでは現在完了形で使われているので stuck
※ that’s it 以上 、ただそれだけ、終わり
注) 口語で頻繁につかう決り文句です。以上!
※ undescribable(古語) 通常は indescribable 筆舌に尽くしがたい。
プロフィール : 田中 潤
2003年にドリーミュージックよりメジャーデビュー、2008から作編曲家としてRhytm Zone(AVEX)に所属。2014年頃独立。
作編曲で Smap, May J., 三代目JSB, 倖田來未、土岐麻子、信近エリ、堀込泰行、宮崎 薫 、moumoon…etc に携わり、CM音楽や企業向け音楽も多数。
Trevor Noah
“You came here on a zero emission boat and part of me thinks that’s because you love the climate the other part of me wonders if that’s just your viking heritage. -laughing- ”
あなたは ゼロ・エミッションボート(廃棄物ゼロボート)でここ(NY)までいました。 あなたが自然(気候)を愛しているというのもあると思うのですが、もう一方であなたのバイキングの血がそうさせるのかと思いました。
Greta Thunberg
“Maybe it is.”
”It might be?
Tell me why you did that. Why didn’t you fly to New York City to come and, you know, speak at U.N. and, you know, inspire people to move forward in the climate change movement."
“I did it because I have, since few years, stopped flying because of the enormous impact aviation has on the climate individually, and just to make a stand. I am one of the very few people in the world who can actually do such a trip, so I thought, why not? -Applause-“
数年前に飛行機をやめました。飛行機はそれそれが気候変動にとてつもない大きな影響を与えるからです。単純にそれに抗議するためです。世界中にそんな旅の仕方をする人はほとんどいないでしょう。私はその一人です。私は思ったのです。なんで(それを)しないの? (やりましょうよ) -拍手-
“I mean, I know I wouldn’t do that as a kid, I wouldn’t do it now. -laughing-
But what is inspiring is your determination, and what’s inspiring is that it doesn’t just affect other young people. It’s started to affect older generations in Sweden, in Germany. People are starting to call it “The Greta Effect” where people are talking more trains since you started this movement. They’ve said they feel ashamed to fly unnecessarily in Europe.
Your Mom is an OPERA singer, and she stopped flying, which means she couldn’t perform the way she used to. Do you something feel bad that she can’t perform, or are you excited that she’s not part of, I guess, polluting the planet? “
“I don’t care, honestly, about how she performs. She’s doing musicals now, so, I mean, she had to change career, but it wasn’t that big. -laughing- ”
“And the planet is the most important thing for you.“
“Yeah, I mean, for all of us, I think it should be. -Applause- “
“Why do you think young people are so focused on climate change now? There’s a definite disconnect between older generations and younger generations when talking about the climate. Why do you think that is?”
なぜ若い世代は気候変動に注目してると思う? 気候変動の話をする時に、年配世代と若い世代との間で明らかな隔たりがあるけど、なぜだと思う?
I mean, I think it is because we, in a way, feel like it is more direct threats. Others feel like “I won’t be alive then, anyway, screw it. ” -laughing- But we actually know that these consequences will face us during our lifetime, and it is already happening now. And it will get worse.
つまり、それは我々はある意味、気候変動をダイレクトな驚異と感じているからです。年配世代は “ どうせ生きてないんだし、そんな(気候対策は)ウザいことするかい ” (会場笑) でも、私達は、こうした結果が実際に生きている間に直面するものだということを知っています。そして、すでに現在進行系で起きていて、更に悪くなっていく。
And so I think that is why so many young people, especially, care about this. And of course, the awareness is not as it needs to be. It’s not as much as I needs to be. People are still very unaware, It’s my experience. And so we need to continue. But you can see that, among young people, the concern is bigger."
“What do you think people need to learn about climate change? Many people have heard of the climate warming up. Some people have a small understanding of what it means, but what do you think is lacking in the understanding of this issue?"
“I think pretty much everything. Because, I mean, we know that something is wrong, that the planet is warming because of increased greenhouse gas emissions, and that might lead to that the ice caps will melt, the global temperature will rise, and there will be more extreme weather events and so on. But they don’t understand how severe this crisis actually is. And it is because they have not been informed.
I mean, we are right now in the beginning of the sixth mass extinction, and people don’t know these things.
Up to 200 species go extinct every single day, and people don’t even know that we have for a 67% chance of limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees, we had, on January 1, 2018, 420 giga-tons of carbon dioxide left to emit to stay within that target. And now we’re already down to less than 360. If we continue at the same emission level as now, we have less than eight and a half years until that budget is gone, according to the IPCC from the SR15 report. And that is for a 67% chance."
まさに今、我々は6度目の大量絶滅の入り口にいます。人々は知りません。一日最大で200種が絶滅し、地球の気温上昇を1.5度以内に制限する機会の67%しか残っていないことさえ知りません。また、2018年1月時点で二酸化炭素放出目標内に留めるため、420ギガトンの猶予がありました。今、すでに360ギガトン以下に。IPCC from the SR15の報告によると、もし我々が今と同じ排出レベルを続けると、残りを使い切るまで8.5年以下となります。67% の機会です。
"Wow, 67% chance, and we’re not even hitting those targets. What do you think people could do, and what do you think governments should be doing?"
おお、67% の機会。 我々はその目標にすら達成できない。人々に何ができると思う?そして政府達が何をすべきと思う?
"I think people should do everything, but I think right now, if I were to choose one thing everyone would do, it would be to inform yourself and try to understand the situation and try to rush for a political movement that doesn’t exist because the politics needed to “fix” this doesn’t exist today. So I think what we should do as individuals is to use the power of democracy to make our voices heard and to make sure that the people in power actually cannot continue to ignore this."
私は人々は全てをするべきだと思います。今すぐです。もし皆がすることを私が選べるとしたら、あなた自身に知らせることと状況を理解しようとすること、今はない政治的アクションを急ぐこと、なぜならこのアクションが存在しないことを正すことが政治の役割だから。 個人個人がすべきことは、我々の声が聞かれるように、そして権力の中にいる人々が無視できないと確信させるために民主主義の力を使うことです。
"That’s powerful. -Applause-
Do you feel a difference in the conversation traveling from Sweden to America? Is there a different feeling around climate change?"
"I would say yes. Because here is, it feels like it is being discussed as something you whether you believe in or not believe in. And where I come form, it’s more like.. It’s facts. -Applause-"
"So then I have to ask you this: you sail from Europe to New York City. New York City is quite an assault the senses when you come from anywhere else. What is the biggest thing that has stuck out to you in New York City?"
これは君に聞かないといけない。ヨーロッパからNYにきて… もちろん、どこから来たとしても(感覚に)騒々しいだろうけど、 一番突出したものは何だった?
"I mean just everything. All the impressions. Everything is so much, so big, so loud. People talk so loud here as well. Because when you are on that boat, when I was on that boat, there is nothing. There’s just the ocean and, of course, the sound of the wave crashing. But that’s it. No smells. -laughing- Apart from sweat, but so I remember the first thing I noticed when we came to the harbor was I woke up and, suddenly I smelled something. And, of course it was pollution. But it’s still something. And that was, it was undescribable.
汗の匂い以外はね。港についた時初めて気づいたことを覚えてるわ。目覚めて突然何か臭いがしたわ。もちろん、それは汚染されたものだったわ。今もなんだか... そうだったわ。言葉では言いあらわせないわ。(くらい酷い)"
"To go from this extreme environment. You’re disconnected from everything and everyone. You only have yourself and the ocean and boat, of course, to New York."
この激しい環境から抜け出すには、全てのもの全ての人を遮断され、自身と海とボートだけになる(必要がある) もちろん、ニューヨークへ (ここまでの道のりという意味?)
"That is accurate and brilliant description of New York. It is undescribable, and it smells. I think that is fantastic. I’m excited for your journey. I can’t wait to see what else you’re gonna do. Thank you for making time for us."
![Jun-Tique 田中潤](https://assets.st-note.com/production/uploads/images/787857/profile_fd2d2b014b244df7e1c1dabd7e914579.jpeg?width=600&crop=1:1,smart)