Valentine's day eve
I took two lessons today.
The first one was with teacher I, and she asked me if some events will hold at the school in Japan tomorrow.
I answered that at many schools, they don't permit bringing chocolate to schools because of considerations that students don't receive them from anybody.
She told me that the teachers send message cards to their students in the Philippines.
I agree with their customs.
In the case of Japan, we were under the control of confection companies.
I'd heard confection companies spread the "valentine campaign" to sell chocolates more.
Japanese valentine's custom is different from the original one.
Even so, I'll bake cheesecake for my family for valentine's day between lessons.
The next one was with teacher N since I baked cheesecake, a sweet scent in my room, even during class.
At the beginning of the class, I didn't know why, but I'd decided to sing like that" I've been waiting for you," then the teacher laughed and asked me, "Would you like to sing more in this class?"
Regarding Celine Dion, she shared her memory of her childhood with me. When she was around eight years old, she asked her mom to sing the song of Celine Dion in front of many people at a competition at night, but the girl fell asleep, so she couldn't participate and cried.
I understood her emotion.
Talking about the singing competition, I went to the shopping mall with my cousins when I was ten.
The "karaoke taikai" singing competition had held there, and I sang "Tsugaru Kaikyo Fuyugeshiki" like a Japanese ballad.
Although I got a prize and a laundry detergent, I was not happy with that prize because I was a child.
I wish I had gotten some food, a kind of fruit or ice cream.
After the class, I listened to her recommended songs, "Immortality" by Celine Dion and "Haiiro to Ao" by Masaki Suda and Kenshi Yonezu.
I love them.
"Immortality" is the song that she missed singing in her childhood.
If she had been able to sing then, she might be a singer.