
論文編:コレ関係Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War, read at your favarite time

Response to “Contracting for sex in the Pacific War” by J. Mark Ramseyer

Available online 9 August 2023, 106158
Yoshimi Yoshiaki, Emi Koyama, Norma Field, Tomomi Yamaguchi

↑アクセスするとVolume 76, December 2023, 106158とあり12月に変更された
↓これがオリジナル、内容まで変わったかは不明、screen captured at 10/6


The Comfort Women: Scholars Fighting Historical Truth in East Asia

Using Twitter and other social media, emotional attackers sought to cancel a Harvard Professor's article on the comfort women issue, but documentation February 10, 202 Jason Morgan, Reitaku University
ディプロマット誌のMatch Shinの消された記事に言及あり

Comfort Women: Professor Mark Ramseyer Speaks Out as Truth Wins

"Now, anyone who spends thirty minutes skimming the internet will discover that there's a real debate" about the comfort women issue ー Dr J Mark Ramseyer. February 12, 2023By Jason Morgan, Reitaku University
by ジェイソン・モーガン (麗澤大学准教授)
「ニューレフト」の沿革と米国の「反日」思想の成立 ジェイソン・モーガン (麗澤大学准教授)学問の自由と歴史認識 29


The International Review of Law and Economicsは著名な学術誌
経緯はこのツイ参照 ↓クリック

Comfort Women: The North Korean Connection 

63 Pages Posted: 17 Aug 2022J. Mark Ramseyer Tetsuo Arima 


10. 26, 2022 Tetsuo Arima

Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War: A Response to My Critics

Harvard Law School John M. Olin Center Discussion Paper No. 1075  66 Pages Posted: 31 Jan 2022 Last revised: 1 Feb 2022 Date Written: January 4, 2022

Response to ‘Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War’ by J. Mark Ramseyer

19 Pages Posted: 23 Feb 2022 Yoshiaki Yoshimi(吉見義明)Chuo UniversityDate Written: February 8, 2022
This paper critically examines J. Mark Ramseyer, “Contracting for sex in the Pacific War” (International Review of Law and Economics, Volume 65, March 2021, 105985). The Ramseyer paper purports to analyze contracts for Japanese military “comfort women” without acknowledging that “comfort women” were victims of abduction, human trafficking and Japanese military sexual slavery. Furthermore, this paper demonstrates that Ramseyer committed numerous errors, such as failing to provide evidence for his arguments in some cases and misinterpreting and misquoting evidentiary materials in others. It argues that Ramseyer’s paper lacks credibility, sincerity, and accountability.

This paper was written at the request of the editors of International Review of Law and Economics (IRLE) after it had made J. Mark Ramseyer's "Contracting for sex in the Pacific War" available online in December 2020 prior to its planned official publication in the March 2021 issue. I was informed that IRLE would publish my piece along with Professor Ramseyer's response, but it has yet to do so. In the meantime, Professor Ramseyer published his response to this paper as a John M. Olin Center’s Faculty Discussion Paper of Harvard Law School, even though my paper had not been published anywhere. I am sharing a working version of my paper that has been submitted to IRLE, with the consent of its managing editor, in order to give readers an opportunity to read both my paper and his response to it.
Keywords: comfort women, sexual slavery, historical revisionism, Ramseyer

Comfort Women: The Economics of the Contracts and the Politics of the Dispute

27 Pages Posted: 16 Apr 2021
During the Second World War, fraudulent recruiters sometimes promised young Korean women factory jobs but sent them instead to war-zone brothels called "comfort stations." Western historians take it on faith that the Japanese military forced Korean women into brothels as well. Unfortunately, in doing this they do not just ignore the role that politics (Korean, Japanese, and Western academic) have played in the dispute. They also ignore the contracts that the rest of the -- not defrauded -- young women actually concluded.

In the article that follows, I examine the employee-level contracts in the market for sexual services within the Japanese empire. The contracts reflect the straightforward logic of "credible commitments" so basic to elementary game theory. Realizing that the brothel owners had an incentive to exagerrate their future earnings, the women demanded a large portion of their pay upfront. Realizing that they were headed to the war zone, they demanded a relatively short maximum term. And realizing that the women had an incentive to shirk, the brothels demanded provisions that gave women incentives to work hard. Ultimately, the women and brothels concluded identure contracts that coupled a large advance with one or two year maximum terms, and an ability for the women to return early if they generated sufficient revenue.

Crucial to the current dispute, the Japanese military did not force -- or even recuit -- Korean women into prostitution. Instead, the brothels surrounding the bases began and remained as privately owned and operated enterprises. They employed contracts that reflected these game-theoretic principles of promissory credility. The women were poor, they were young, and they were born into the bad circumstances. But basic principles of market economics apply to poor young people too -- and we would do well to recognize how resourcefully the women used those principles to respond to their plight.

Contracting for sex in the Paci

fic War

Received 31 March 2020, Revised 28 October 2020, Accepted 28 November 2020, Available online 1 December 2020, Version of Record 10 December 2020.

995. J. Mark Ramseyer, Comfort Women and the Professors, 03/2019.

Abstract: We in the West have embraced an odd "narrative." The Japanese army of the 1930s and 1940s, we write, forcibly drafted 200,000 mostly Korean teenage girls into "rape camps" called "comfort stations." Should anyone question the story, we summarily consign the person to "denier" status.
This makes for a strange phenomenon. Only a few of the comfort women claim to have been forcibly recruited, and several of them had told a different story before the reparations campaign against Japan began. A strongly leftist affiliate runs their nursing home, controls whom they can see, and vilifies any woman who might say anything else. In fact, no one has ever located any documentary evidence that the Japanese military forcibly recruited any Korean woman into a comfort station. And when Korean academics question the orthodox account, their own government sometimes prosecutes them for criminal defamation--indeed, sent one heterodox professor last fall to six months in prison.

芸娼妓契約 -性産業における「信じられるコミットメント (credible commitments)」


Indentured Prostitution in Imperial Japan:Credible Commitments in the Commercial Sex Industry

1993年10月25日 Page46


https://www.japaneseempire.info/post/concerning-the-management-of-women-traveling-to-china Introduction by Amy Stanley (Northwestern University).Dec 9, 2021


