
Austrian dialect : Deppat, Schiach, Fetznschädel, fäun, haun, eine reine haun, zamghaut

Hi! Servas! Griaß euch!
In this article, I'm gonna take you to the Austrian Germany World!

My content will be basically composed as below
1.  sharing the URL of the original videos
2.  subtitling what it is being said in the videos

Learning a language is something like you're heading to the destination really far away from where you're standing. And there's no transportation that will bring you there easily, which means you should go there on foot on your own.
If you want to learn some languages, just go and get some textbook.
Or maybe you can google and find out some teaching lessons nowadays, so make a great profit of human's sophisticated items!!!
But it will take loads of time not for learning, but actually for being able to use it fluently as you want.
That's why I started writing some articles that is going to definitely help you improve your understanding of each minor language, which feels like making you cross the border to the different world in your brain!

Are you ready to have a fun getting to know Austrian dialect?
Before we're gonna start, as introducing the Austrian language, you should get some medicine for headache as soon as you can.
There's incredibly a lot of dialects in Austria.
The dialect I'm going to write down here belongs to the one that is typically used around Wien, Salzburg and München as well.
MOREOVER! It's really hard to know the correct spelling of each words. It's really because they just write in the way they like… so confusing for learners actually.
Anyway, let's get started!

The Real Austrian Dialect

Listen carefully to what he is saying.
He's sort of speaking in a bit strong accent but the more interesting thing is he's using "cursing phrases" in Austrian dialect.
He's literally making fun of the tourists coming to the centre of Wien, speaking Austrian dialect and none of them understands what he's saying.
So this time, I gonna reveal all of what kind of slangs he is literally using in the video!!!
(I personally rather to recommend having a look at it from your laptop, not from your phone just bc it will show up some stupid insta registration…)


Bis du deppat ihr 2 seits schiach.
Mochst a selfie du fetznschädel.
Thomas, die Selbsthilfegruppe für Alkoholiker is do hinten.
Hast dich angschissen? Du fäust
Kumt ma des speibn wenn I da ins Gsicht schau.
Erstes mal in Wien? Hoffentlich auch das letzte mal. Servas Partner!
Geile Sau.
Soll ich da ins Gsicht haun? Macht nur 5 €.
Super Typ, der zeigt euch wos heim geht.
Highfive ! Musst nur sagen dann hau ich da eine rein.
Jetzt freust du dich und ich freu mich wennst wieder heimfliegst.
Supaaa, du alleine schaust aus wie zamghaut.
So viel habens da ins Hirn gschissen.
Ihr schaut unglaublich dumm aus seits ihr es wirklich?


Are you stupid, you two ugly.
You wanna a selfie, you idiot?
Thomas, the support group for alcoholics is there behind.
Have you shit yourself? You smell awful.
I'm going to spit when I look at that face.
First time in Vienna? Hopefully the last time too.
Hello, partner! Stupid bastard.
Should I punch you in the face? I'll do only €5.
Great guy, he'll show you the way back to your home guys.
High five! You must say and  I'll punch you in the face.
Now you're happy and I'll be happy when you fly home again.
Super, you look like getting punched in the face so many times.
So much has shit in your brain.
You look incredibly stupid, are you?


・Deppat (Deppert) - dumm, blöd (stupid)
・Schiach - hässlich (ugly)
・Fetznschädel - Dummkopf (stupid - a rag skull has only wet towels in its head instead of brains. Or maybe it was hit on the head with one of these so many times that the brain disappeared)
・Du fäust - fäun, beckln, miachtln= stinken (stink)
・Kumt ma des speibn wenn I da ins Gsicht schau.
  → DEU : kommt mir das kotzen wenn ich in dein Gesicht schaue
  - speibn, reiern : kotzen, erbrechen
・Geile Sau - You horny sow / pig
・haun - schlagen (to punch)
・eine rein hauen - ins Gesicht schlagen (to punch you in the face)
・zamghaut - A face that looks like been beaten up a lot

Next Series!

Let me take you to the deeper Austrian language world next time!
I am going to share a lot of interesting words or phrases in my article!
The ones that I wrote down here can't mostly found out on Google unfortunately, which makes it much harder to learn such a quite wonderful language through the internet…
I am really desiring to make any articles that you can learn the real language effectively. And they should be more affordable or, yep, totally free.
I just want to give everyone opportunities to learn some languages that are said to be a minor language.
Anyway, see you in the next article!
