"it can't be made the same way anymore"
Modern Capcom is a mess. Since Ps4 era, Capcom has been going further and further down a bad rabbit hole of pushing western social agenda into their works. From toning down character design to devaluing their old work under the mindset they are too "outdated" in social views. All this comes to a head with the recent Resident Evil remakes where they talk on the idea of the old being a problem and simply remaking it requires drastic overhauls.
In 2009 Capcom recieved a lot of criticism for Resident Evil 5 from journalists and media in the west. The very idea of setting a game up in Africa and shooting characters (regardless of them being dangerous zombies) that were black was seen as some decry of racism. The result of this pushback led to media and journalists to smear the game and ruin its chances, ultimately causing the "final" confrontation of Chris and Wesker to conclude with a whimper forcing Capcom to redo the moment again in Resident evil 6 which had its own fair share of issues.
Despite Capcom facing large criticism, the game was still high praised from those very same journalists as a good product albeit a bad "resident evil". A game that lacked survival horror in every way, doubled down on the mediocre campy vibes of 4 and watered down flanderization of characters to fit a B-rated action movie - they say its a fun co-op game. This praise is honestly the worse one can do for a product that isn't true to its branding, a brand that always changes isn't good or interesting but directionless and vapid as it changes to suit the trends of the times. As a result Capcom almost never recovered til a generation later in the playstation 4 with RE Engine games.
The biggest issue here however is how media views this title. This negative feedback based on the game's setting not only hurts the game but hurts the idea of stories based in certain locations because of media's own inner racism they project onto others, you aren't "allowed" to critique black people in media's eyes, they must be shielded and protected no matter what and never bring up inner issues, so a game with them as enemy types is seen as evil and the company as racists - the irony of journalists being the ones projecting their racist thoughts on a group they feel the need to coddle.
Capcom, Square Enix, Bandai Namco, Sega, Konami, Koei Temco - all amongst Japanese games that go into ESG social politics and how it affects their games are apparent. You see it in how the game's beauty standards start to shift, you see it in how they over worry on how they portray female characters to make them vain and strong with no weakness or to say their faults on from men around them than themselves (Resident Evil 4 Remake Ada's new story centers it on Wesker and others being why she's "evil" than her own actions and accountability).
In short, Capcom is being affected by "bad actors" people that would try to enforce social politics into the works of others and lecture them on "doing the wrong things in games and need to be sanitized and erased from a remake". All this does is sanitize the work and lead it with very little intriguing parts left as you feel the game bending to social politics every step of the way. Resident Evil 5 did NOTHING wrong (aside from being generally a bad GAME) and doesn't need to change or remove elements on the basis of "being inclusive" or "being racist towards black". Always push back against rhetorics like this that hate groups and look down on them.