【 革職人必読の書 】

革業界のカリスマであり、我が愛読書の著者であられる木島慎哉先生…のご著書『工業用ミシンと漉き機の基本操作とメンテナンス』(STUDIO TAC CREATIVE出版)にご本人直筆サインを頂いてきましたー\(^o^)/
革職人の仕事を一生続けてゆくには ミシンと漉き機のメンテナンスは それ以上に大切です。
ミシンと漉き機がメンテナンス不足ですと 革職人としての自分の技術を最大限に発揮出来ないからです。

「確かな技術」だなんて、あまりに過分すぎるお言葉 恐縮です((((;゚Д゚))))ガクガクブルブル
木島先生、お忙しい中 急遽アトリエに訪問させて頂きありがとうございましたm(_ _)m
【 A must-read book for all leather craftsmen 】
Good evening everyone♪
How are you spending your Saturday night?
What a surprise is that…
I got a hand-signed copy of "Basic Operation and Maintenance of Industrial Sewing Machines and Leather Skiving Machines" (STUDIO TAC CREATIVE Publishing) by Maestro Shinya Kijima, a charismatic figure in the leather industry and the author of one of my favorite books. \(^o^)/Yeeeeeeah !!!!
Technical books that contain know-how on leather craftsmanship are certainly important, but...
To continue working as a leather craftsman for the rest of your life, maintaining your sewing machine and skiving machine is even more important.
If your sewing machine and skiving machine are not properly maintained, you will not be able to maximize your high skills as a leather craftsman.
So, everyone in the leather industry, please take a look! \(^o^)/
The contents of the handwritten message from Maestro Shinya Kijima (translated into English) are as follows:
To Mr.Kojima
I look forward to seeing you use your solid skills to perform even more on the next stage.
I'm always rooting for you.
Order R
Shinya Kijima
Thank you very much to Maestro Shinya Kijima 's words of "solid skills"are too honored for me…((((;゚Д゚))))wow!!
I will strive to be even more masochistic (`・ω・´)ゞYeeeeees!!
Oh, I forgot to take a photo of me and Maestro Shinya Kijima-sensei... (´;ω;`)
Thank you, Maestro Shinya Kijima-sensei, for letting me visit your atelier in your busy schedule, the other day m(_ _)m
So, everyone, please be careful of this cold weather as a refrigerator in Japan, and have a fever on Saturday night and Christmas day of next week\(^o^)/
by Kojimax