
言語学オリンピック|架空言語 Zanvuk語を解読せよ!|Galileo & GPT-4o作問


以下に架空の言語 Zanvuk語の単語と、そのどれかに対応する日本語訳がランダムな順で与えられています。

  1. drakaa

  2. kon

  3. konaa

  4. koramuun

  5. korasaa

  6. koratah

  7. zanarivoon

  8. zankontah

  9. zanirak

  10. zarimuun

  11. zirakvoon

  12. zunkon

雨, 家, 男の子, 議会, 既婚者, 教師, 子ども, 子孫・家系, 出産, 女医, 母親, 病院





以下の日本語を Zanvuk語に訳してください。

  • 男性

  • 女の子

  • 学校

  • 癒しの水

  • 話者・語り手


以下は Zanvuk語の固有名詞です。それぞれどのような対象を表していると考えられるか、選択肢の中から1つずつ選んでください。

  • Drakvoon

  • Ziraktah

  • Zirakvuk

- 歴史上の偉人に与えられた称号
- 生活に重要な役割を果たしてきた泉
- 子宝・子孫繁栄の神
- 人々が集まる憩いの広場
- 伝統的な物語集


ヒント:The Historical and Modern Society of Zanvuk

Historical Context: The Matriarchal Society

The speakers of Zanvuk originate from an ancient matriarchal society known as the Zanikar. This society, historically, was organised around the central role of women in governance, education, and cultural transmission. Women, particularly elder women, were revered as the primary custodians of knowledge and tradition. The term “Zanirak” (from “zan” meaning female and “zirak” meaning knowledge) was used to describe the council of elder women who led the society through wisdom and strategic acumen during the Era of Mothers.

Era of Mothers

During this era, which spanned several centuries, the Zanikar society faced numerous challenges, including environmental changes, external threats, and internal conflicts. The wisdom and leadership of the matriarchs, particularly epitomised by the influential figure known as Ziraktah (the knowledge-possessor), were instrumental in navigating these crises. Ziraktah's profound knowledge and guidance played a crucial role in overcoming these difficulties, cementing the role of women as essential leaders and educators in Zanikar society.

Transition to a Collaborative Society

As the Zanikar society evolved, there was a growing recognition of the value of collaborative governance. Over time, the rigid matriarchal structure began to adapt, incorporating the strengths and perspectives of both men and women. This transition was driven by the belief that a balanced approach to decision-making would benefit the entire community.

Modern Zanvuk Society

In contemporary Zanvuk society, governance is characterised by a collaborative council known as the Zanirak, which now includes both male and female members. This council makes decisions on societal matters, laws, and cultural practices, reflecting a more inclusive and egalitarian approach.

Cultural Practices

Collaborative Governance: The Zanirak council is now composed of both men and women, working together to lead the community.

Shared Education and Storytelling: While women historically played a dominant role in education and storytelling, these roles are now shared, with both men and women contributing to the preservation and transmission of cultural knowledge.

Rituals and Celebrations: The society continues to honour its matriarchal roots through festivals like the Festival of Mothers, but also celebrates the contributions of all community members in events like the Unity Festival.


The name “Zanvuk”, meaning “female language/speak”, honours the historical role of women in the Zanikar society while also embracing the modern values of collaboration and inclusivity. This evolution reflects the society’s journey from a strong matriarchal tradition to a balanced and cooperative community, where both male and female voices contribute to the cultural and social fabric.

[Generated by ChatGPT; This story is fictional.]




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