
Original Novel Girl I met on a trip to France. #0 English Version

This is the story of my first trip to France in my life.
That day, I landed in Paris from Charles de Gaulle airport and was on a bus heading to the train station. ............ I was caught up in a little incident there.
I was on the bus going to the train station. Are you Japanese by any chance?
And that's when I was asked by a woman sitting next to me, "Are you Japanese by any chance? I was approached by a woman who was sitting next to me.
Yes, I am.
I answered, surprised at this sudden turn of events. Then she smiled and said, "Comme c'est gentil!
Comme c'est gentil!
This was her first comment. Her pronunciation was perfect, and to my surprise, the French was familiar. Yes, it was the same language spoken by the main character of an anime that I had been watching until recently.
Um, um, ............."
To my bewilderment, the woman blurted out the words with a happy smile on her face. She sounded happy, but I couldn't quite keep up with the situation. I tried to calm her down a little for the time being.
She said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean. I don't understand what you are saying.
I said, "Oh, I'm sorry, it's hard to believe something like that out of the blue, isn't it?
Then she apologized, clasping her hands together apologetically.
I had not yet introduced myself. My name is Akemi. I am twenty-seven years old. My hobbies are reading and I'm good at playing the piano.
Oh, hi. I'm--"
I know you. You are Japanese, right?
She laughs. It was true that I didn't need to tell her my name now. I was more interested in who she was and why she was talking to me so friendly.
She said, "Actually, I have the first grade of Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). That's why I can understand what you are saying.
I see. I see. So that's what this is all about.
That made things easier. But why in the world would she be interested in such a thing? As I wondered, Akemi told me the answer.
You know, a Japanese manga was made into an anime in France a while ago. That's why I was interested in studying it, and I found it quite interesting.
Oh, so that's what you mean.
I was convinced. Come to think of it, I think something similar happened in Japan a while ago. I believe the title was something like "Magical Girl Magical Lyrica.
But I didn't expect someone as young as you to come. Maybe this is fate!
"Well, maybe so."
I was a little taken back by her exaggerated statement, but I was still giving her a good impression. Then, she leaned forward with even more tension in her voice.
Hey, would you like to have tea with me now? There is a delicious cake shop.
I was so excited that I didn't even know what to think. No, I don't think so. ......
She said, "Don't worry! It's not like I'm going to take anything away from you.
She pulls my arm.
She pulls me by the arm and says, "Just hang out with me for a minute! Please! I'm right there!
She pleaded desperately. I had no idea what was going on, but I felt it would be wrong to refuse her so bluntly, so I ended up going with her as she asked.
A few minutes later, we got off the bus. We got off the bus and arrived at our destination. It was an open-air café facing the street, and sweet smells were coming from inside.
The cheese tart here is very delicious and famous. I'm sure you'll love it.
She told me in a good mood as soon as we sat down. Incidentally, this store seems to be a French-only store, and I looked around to see only foreigners. To be honest, it was quite embarrassing to be sitting alone in the middle of such a crowd. And the other person was a French woman. ...... But since she invited me to the restaurant, I had no choice but to go along with the invitation.
I ordered my tea and coffee. The first thing that came to my mind was what I expected to see.
This is the rumored cheese tart. ......
I gulped as I looked at the plate placed in front of me. The actual "I'm not a fan of the idea," he said.
I was so mouth-watering that I almost drooled just looking at it. Isn't it amazing?
Yes, it is. It's very gorgeous to look at, isn't it?
It is indeed a wonderful work of art. It looks as if it is shining like a jewel, and the colors are vibrant. I thought it could be called a work of art. However, a question suddenly arose in my mind. I wondered if I would ever be able to eat such beautiful food. If something were to go wrong and damage the product in the store, I would be in big trouble.
As I picked up the fork with this concern in my mind, Akemi suddenly spoke up, "Actually, I'm still working on .
Actually, ...... I just came to Japan and I don't speak Japanese at all.
Oh, is that so?"
I could not hide my surprise at this unexpected admission. However, when I thought about it, I realized that it was quite natural. It would be unthinkable for such a beautiful woman to be studying a foreign language, and she wouldn't have suddenly approached a man she had never met before.
But even so, she kept smiling and kept talking.
For a while after that, we continued to chat about nothing more than trivial matters. As we continued to chat, the tension in Akemi's face began to fade and her tone of voice gradually became less reserved. This change was both new and pleasant for me.
But eventually, the conversation turned to me broaching the subject.
By the way, Akemi, you came to this area as a tourist, right?
Yes, I am. Yes, I'm here in France on business. I was going to hang out by myself, but I got lost. So I was lucky to see you at the bus stop this morning.
That's an honor. I was wondering if we've met somewhere before.
I asked the question I had been feeling since a while ago. Then, Akemi put her hand over her mouth again and smiled. It seems to be a habit. But it was only for a moment. She returned to a slightly serious face and said in a slow tone, "I've been wondering about that since a while ago.
I've been wondering since a while ago, why do you think so?
'No, because it didn't feel like we were meeting for the first time.
If she and I had met, it would have been probably more than two years ago. The actuality that the actuality that the actuality is that the actuality is not really a lot of. But that doesn't really add up. I was too different from her back then in terms of age. When I tilted my head and wondered what was going on, she stood up abruptly.
She stood up abruptly. Are you a fan of "Lilika" by any chance?
What's Lilica?
I have heard that the author of "Magical Lilica" is a French woman writer. I believe her name is Anne Sophie or something like that. Does that mean that's the case? But why did she suddenly say that? When I was puzzled, she walked toward the back of the store. Then she quickly opened the curtains that were there. There was a large glass window through which she could see into the store. Even more surprisingly, what she saw was not the exterior of the store, but the girls from the anime.
Yes, what we saw was a beautiful blonde girl dressed up as a magical girl. She held her right hand high in a cute pose. Her pose was very elegant, and even to the untrained eye, I could tell that she was quite skilled at it. I froze for a moment, unable to believe what had just happened.
However, even while I was in such a state of absentmindedness, the girls in the video were still moving, and before I knew it, the scene had shifted to a battle scene. Finally, the last battle with the enemy demons was about to begin.
"Oh, ......, you're kidding!"
I couldn't believe my eyes. The screen clearly depicted the two heroines fighting, and one of them was clearly someone I knew. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that I was watching the younger version of someone I knew well. He was younger looking than I am now, and although he was dressed differently, he still looked exactly like the character in the anime.
(What in the world is this? ......)
I was mildly confused by this strange event.
However, the battle went on regardless of my confusion, and in the end, it was the blonde girl, Akemi, who emerged victorious. A message congratulating her on her victory was displayed on the screen, and people who looked like staff were cheering off-screen.
Then I came to my senses and fearfully looked at Akemi who was sitting next to me.
What happened to ......?
Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I startled you.
She noticed my gaze and made an apologetic face. Then she began to speak slowly.
According to her, Anne, the owner of this store, had remodeled the interior of the store to resemble the world of anime in order to spread her anime works all over the world. Of course, the customers were informed of this beforehand. But even so, they were skeptical at first.
Well, it is true that people are usually surprised when they are told something like this. ...... I still feel light-headed, too.
But still, I never thought I'd run into an old acquaintance by chance in a place like this,...... and that it would be that Akemi. You never know what will happen in life!
But it's amazing. You made this work? This work?
Yes. I have always loved to draw. I came to Japan recently, but before that I was in France all the time. I met Anne through her mother, and now we are very good friends. So I was very happy and excited when this project came to fruition. I only dubbed the voice actress's performance, so I can't say much about it. So I can't really say anything great about it.
No, no, that's still good enough. I knew you were good at drawing.
Thank you. Thank you. I'm glad.

Akemi smiled at my words with a slight blush on her cheeks. It seems that she was embarrassed. But that might not be a bad thing. She is the one who is creating a very popular work right now. She is someone I would rarely meet if I didn't have this opportunity.
After that, we talked about many things. We mainly talked about each other's hobbies. She is a voracious reader and a novelist. She especially liked romance novels set in Japan. Come to think of it, she is half Japanese, right? No wonder she is fluent in Japanese.
Incidentally, she is also a translator. She translates books published by French authors. I have only read English books when it comes to translation, but as I recall, in order to read a novel in a foreign language, you need to understand the language of that country. I thought it was quite a feat to have that as a job.
However, when I heard that story, I was a little curious about something: why do you have to go to the trouble of translating it into French? After all, with Japanese novels, is it easier to be accepted in a foreign country? There was a time when I used to be interested in French literature, but to be honest, I am not that familiar with it. So I was not sure how much of what she said was correct.
I don't think so.

She also said that the restaurant regularly holds cosplay events. This time, it was decided to hold the event at Akemi's request. She said that the appeal of this event is that people can enjoy themselves by pretending to be characters from anime. It's true that such an event would be a lot of fun. In fact, there were quite a few people in the store dressed in cosplay. Well, some of them look just like the ones we saw in the video earlier. ...... Oh, by the way, why did Akemi come here? I mean, she must have been still in high school. I thought she was going to be eighteen this year. I'm sure she's still in high school this year, but isn't that a bad thing? I'm not sure if she was planning on cosplaying ...... or not, but that's ridiculous. It's like she's a real magical girl. But looking at her appearance, I think it's not impossible. ......Well, that's okay. I'm not bothering you.
I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not, but I'm sure it's a good idea. Just as we were leaving, she stopped me, so I stopped. She called out my name and said, "You know, I'm going to keep doing a lot of things at that store.
She called my name and said, "Honey, let's continue to talk about many things at that store. I'm sure we'll get along well."
I had no reason to refuse her invitation.
This is how I met Akemi. Moreover, it was my first encounter with the woman of my dreams, Akemi. I don't think I will ever forget this moment in my life. It is no exaggeration to say that this encounter was the catalyst for my current self. At the same time, I have made a promise to myself.
I promised myself that one day I would return the favor to Ms. Akemi.
So, until that time comes, I am going to hold off on meeting her. I headed home, vowing to meet Akemi again.
I have an announcement to make.
I have an announcement to make.
As soon as I returned home, I received such a mail. The sender was Saki, the maid of the house and my childhood friend. She is a cool girl who usually only says the bare minimum, but she usually only opens up like this when something important has happened. I wondered what had happened, and checked the text. I checked the text, wondering what was going on.
This is ......."
I gulped. I had never expected this to happen. But if this was true, it was a serious problem.

I remembered the last words that Akemi had uttered. She had said, "You'll understand sooner or later. I wonder if this is what she meant. I don't know. There was too little information to make a decision.
However, I can say this clearly.
Now that I have met Akemi again, I intend to protect her with all my strength. I had decided this ever since she saved me in the past.
That is why, no matter what kind of opponent appears, I will never compromise on that. No matter what the opponent is, I will always defeat him or her. Even if it is a god, I will ...... never.
I clenched my fists tightly as I made this decision.
This work is a work of fiction. It is not related in any way to any real person or organization.
