奥の庭に写っている照明は都行燈(みやこあんどん)の‘和のあかり 月華’です。灯りづくりの職人が1つ1つ組み上げ、1枚1枚和紙を貼り作り上げているもので、モダンながらも優しい明りで風林庵の茶室と庭園を照らしています。
We’re particular about quality and design for our furniture.
Tables and chairs are from @tendo_mokko . It’s famous for ‘Butterfly Stool’. We chose low chair for our tearoom. From the view of this chair, you can see our Japanese garden enjoying with wine and sake.
The lighting fixture in the garden is from @miyakoandon . Its made from Japanese craft man with traditional techniques by hand. You can feel comfortable with this light and the garden atmosphere.