ようこそ風林庵へ Welcome to Fu-rin-an春夏  Vol.1

枯山水の庭園を眺む風林庵では、一般的なレストランやバーにはない春夏秋冬の姿があります。 夏には蹲(つくばい)や水屋(茶事の道具を整える場所)の水が爽やかに気分を洗ってくれ、庭園からの温 かな夜風が気持ちを落ち着けてくれます。 多種多様にご用意しているお酒も、日本のスパークリングワインから七色のかぶとむしのラベルが特徴の日 本酒など、すっきりと爽やかで目にも舌にも夏を感じさせるラインナップになっております。
You can enjoy the beautiful scenery of each season at our tearoom styled bar. Though the bars and restaurants have a close space generally, we are open to a zen garden. You can hear the water sound from traditional Japanese facilities such as Tsukubai and Mizuya. You can also feel a warm wind at midnight in the summer. It makes us relax and calm.
Foods and Wines are also ready for the summer. We are happy to introduce high quality Japanese sparkling wine. We also have a special Japanese SAKE for summer which has a cute label of rainbow beetle.
We made special videos which show the spring&summer mood of Fu-rin-an. Please check them out!
