Charles Darwin was a British naturalist who is famous for his theory of evolution by natural selection. Here is a brief summary of his life and achievements in English, with some episodes.
◎naturalist: 博物学者(自然に存在するものについて研究する学問)
◎natural selection: 自然選択、自然淘汰
◎brief summary: 短いまとめ、摘要
Darwin was born on February 12, 1809, in Shrewsbury, England. He came from a wealthy family and had a passion for nature since childhood. He studied medicine at Edinburgh University, but he was not interested in becoming a doctor. He then studied theology at Cambridge University, but he was more fascinated by natural history.
◎a passion for: 〜への情熱
◎theology: 神学
◎be fascinated by: 〜に魅了される
In 1831, he joined the voyage of HMS Beagle as a naturalist. He spent five years traveling around the world, collecting specimens and making observations of various plants, animals, fossils, and geology. During the voyage, he visited the Galapagos Islands, where he noticed that different islands had different species of finches, tortoises, and other animals. He wondered how they had adapted to their environments.
◎specimen: 標本
◎fossil: 化石
◎finch: フィンチ(鳥の一種)
◎tortoise: (陸生の)カメ
◎adapt to: 〜に適応する
He also saw evidence of volcanic activity and coral reefs, which challenged the prevailing views of the age of the Earth and the creation of life. He read Charles Lyell's book Principles of Geology, which proposed that the Earth was much older than previously thought and that it changed gradually over time.
◎coral reef: サンゴ礁
◎challenge: 異を唱える、挑戦する
◎prevailing: 支配的な、一般的な
◎propose: 提唱する
◎previously: 以前に
After returning from the voyage, Darwin spent many years studying and classifying his specimens. He also wrote a popular book about his travels, called The Voyage of the Beagle, which was published in 1839.
◎classify: 分類する
◎publish: 出版する
In 1838, he read an essay by Thomas Malthus, which argued that human population growth would eventually outstrip food supply. This inspired him to think about how species compete for resources and how some survive and reproduce better than others.
◎argue: 主張する
◎outstrip: 追い抜く
◎inspire: 鼓舞する、刺激する
◎compete for: 〜を求めて争う
◎reproduce: 繁殖する
He developed the idea of natural selection, which states that organisms with traits that suit their environment are more likely to pass them on to their offspring, while those with less favorable traits are more likely to die out. He called this process "the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life".
◎organism: 生物
◎trait: 形質
◎pass on: 受け継ぐ
◎offspring: 子孫
◎less favorable: 好ましくない
◎die out: 絶滅する
He wrote a sketch of his theory in 1842, and a longer essay in 1844, but he did not publish them. He feared that his theory would be controversial and that it would contradict the religious beliefs of many people, including his wife Emma, who was a devout Christian.
◎sketch: スケッチ、素描(ここでは下書きの意)
◎controversial: 物議を生む
◎contradict: 矛盾する
◎devout: 敬虔な
In 1858, he received a letter from Alfred Russel Wallace, a young naturalist who had independently come up with a similar theory of evolution. Darwin realized that he had to publish his work soon, or he would lose credit for his discovery.
◎independently: 独自に
◎come up with: 考え出す
◎credit: 功績、名誉
He quickly prepared a paper with Wallace, which was presented at the Linnean Society of London on July 1, 1858. He then wrote a book, called On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, which was published on November 24, 1859. The book sold out on the first day and caused a sensation in the scientific and public spheres.
◎present: 発表する
◎sell out: 完売する
◎cause a sensation: 一大騒動を巻き起こす
◎sphere: …界
Darwin's theory of evolution was widely accepted by most scientists, but it also faced criticism and opposition from some religious groups, who saw it as a threat to their faith. Darwin himself was not an atheist, but he became more agnostic as he grew older.
◎face: 直面する
◎criticism and opposition: 批判と反発
◎threat to: 〜への脅威
◎faith: 信仰
◎atheist: 無神論者(神は存在しないと信じる立場)
◎agnostic: 不可知論者(神の存在は知ることができないとする立場)
Darwin continued to write and research on various topics, such as the variation of animals and plants under domestication, the descent of man and sexual selection, the expression of emotions in animals and humans, the formation of vegetable mould by earthworms, and the effects of cross and self-fertilization in plants.
◎variation: 変異、変種
◎domestication: 家畜化
◎descent: 家系、血統
◎mould(mold): カビ
◎fertilization: 受精
He died on April 19, 1882, at his home in Downe, Kent. He was buried in Westminster Abbey, a rare honor for a scientist. He is regarded as one of the most influential figures in human history, and his theory of evolution is the foundation of modern biology.
◎bury: 埋葬する
◎honor: 栄誉
◎be regarded as: 〜と見なされている
◎foundation: 基礎
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.
by Copilot