
福岡音楽研究所、シングル「I Say No」リリース


今回は1曲のみでリリースします。曲名は"I Say No"。

エレアコのバッキングにファズをかけたジャガーのソロが乗る、インストヒップホップ調なので、今でいうLo-fi Hiphopなのでしょうか。




2022年7月20日 福岡音楽研究所 たまきお

Recently, I don't feel like stocking songs until I make an album, so I try to post them to bandcamp as soon as the ideas for the songs come to fruition. (Definitely far below your imagination and not selling.)

This time we will release only one song. The song title is "I Say No".

It's an instrumental hip-hop style with a Jaguar solo that fuzzes the backing of an acoustic-electric guitar, so is it Lo-fi Hiphop now?

The title says "No", but it doesn't criticize anything loudly, but it should be a loose claim that you have the right to say "No".

Politics, religion, welfare, economy. Work, home, future, present.

It's hard to say what you want to say, so I hope you can detox the "No" of your heart through music.

July 20, 2022 Fukuoka Music Institute , Tamakio
