

Title - ★【Easy-to-Understand Explanation】Japan Declines to Join the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty


The Japanese government officially announced on January 24, 2025, its decision not to join the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty. This decision reflects Japan’s prioritization of security relations with nuclear-armed states while taking into account the current state of global nuclear disarmament.
• nuclear disarmament: 核軍縮
• security relations: 安全保障上の関係


★ Knowing This Will Deepen Your Understanding


As the only country to have suffered atomic bombings, Japan has consistently called for the abolition of nuclear weapons. However, the persistent gap between nuclear and non-nuclear states poses challenges. Additionally, Japan’s reliance on the U.S. “nuclear umbrella” makes participation in the treaty practically difficult.
• persistent gap: 縮まらない溝
• nuclear umbrella: 核の傘


★ What Are the Issues?
1. 核保有国との安全保障関係
• 核保有国との同盟関係が維持される中で、条約参加は現実的でないとの指摘が多い。
• Maintaining alliances with nuclear-armed states makes treaty participation unlikely.
• alliances with nuclear-armed states: 核保有国との同盟関係
2. 国際的な意見の分断
• 核保有国と非核保有国の間で、核廃絶へのアプローチに大きな違いがある。
• There is a significant divide in approaches to nuclear abolition between nuclear and non-nuclear states.
• divide in approaches: アプローチの分断
3. 被爆国としてのジレンマ
• 核兵器廃絶を訴える被爆国としての立場と、現実的な安全保障政策の間でのジレンマがある。
• Japan faces a dilemma between its stance as an atomic-bombed country advocating nuclear abolition and its realistic security policy.
• dilemma: ジレンマ
