

Title - ★【Easy-to-Understand Explanation】Prime Minister Ishiba Upgrades Relations with Laos: What’s the Aim?


On January 22, 2025, Prime Minister Ishiba agreed with the Lao government to upgrade their relationship to a “Strategic Partnership” during a summit meeting. The move is expected to strengthen economic cooperation and ties in the tourism sector. Additionally, the visa-free stay period for Japanese tourists will be extended from 15 to 30 days.

• strategic partnership: 戦略的パートナーシップ
• economic cooperation: 経済協力
• visa-free stay period: ビザ免除期間


★ Knowing This Will Deepen Your Understanding


Laos, a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), has benefited from Japan’s infrastructure development support. However, China’s growing influence in the region makes Laos a crucial focus in Japan’s foreign policy.

• infrastructure development support: インフラ開発支援
• growing influence: 増大する影響力
• foreign policy: 外交政策


★ What Are the Issues?
1. 中国との競争
• 中国の巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」にラオスが深く関与している。
• Laos is deeply involved in China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
2. 経済協力のバランス
• ラオス経済への支援が日本の税金負担を増大させる可能性。
• Economic support for Laos might increase the burden on Japanese taxpayers.
3. ラオス国内の安定性
• ラオスの政治的不安定さが協力関係にリスクをもたらす。
• Political instability in Laos poses risks to the partnership.

• Belt and Road Initiative: 一帯一路構想
• burden on taxpayers: 税金負担
• political instability: 政治的不安定さ

タイトル - ★【わかりやすく解説】絵本作家いわむらかずおさん死去、その功績と影響

Title - ★【Easy-to-Understand Explanation】Children’s Book Author Kazuo Iwamura Passes Away: His Legacy and Impact


Kazuo Iwamura, the author of the beloved “14 Little Mice” series, passed away on January 21, 2025, at the age of 85. His works, centered on themes of nature and family, have sold over 20 million copies worldwide and continue to be cherished globally.

• beloved series: 愛されているシリーズ
• centered on themes of: ~をテーマにしている
• cherished globally: 世界中で愛されている


★ Knowing This Will Deepen Your Understanding


Iwamura’s works are widely used in educational settings, serving as tools to teach children about the importance of the natural environment. He also received numerous international awards for his picture books, playing a key role in promoting Japanese culture globally.

• educational settings: 教育現場
• importance of the natural environment: 自然環境の重要性
• promoting Japanese culture globally: 日本文化を世界に広める


★ What Are the Issues?
1. 絵本業界の後継者不足
• 次世代の作家が育ちにくい環境が課題となっている。
• The industry struggles with a lack of successors among young authors.
2. デジタル化の影響
• 紙の絵本市場が縮小し、デジタル絵本との競争が激化。
• The market for physical picture books is shrinking due to competition with digital formats.
3. 自然教育の低下
• 自然をテーマにした教育コンテンツが減少傾向。
• Educational content focused on nature is on the decline.

• lack of successors: 後継者不足
• competition with digital formats: デジタルフォーマットとの競争
• decline in educational content: 教育コンテンツの減少
