Spinoza Note 40: 神と存在(第1群-1)



Omnis modus, qui & necessariò, & infinitus existit, necessariò sequi debuit, vel ex absolutâ naturâ alicujus attributi Dei, vel ex aliquo attributo modificato modificatione, quæ & necessariò, & infinita existit.

Eliot訳:Every mode the existence of which is both necessary and infinite must necessarily follow either from the absolute nature of some attribute of God, or from some attribute affected by a modification, the existence of which is necessary and infinite.
Elwes訳:Every mode, which exists both necessarily and as infinite, must necessarily follow either from the absolute nature of some attribute of God, or from an attribute modified by a modification which exists necessarily, and as infinite.

短いが込み入った文章だ。これが Spinoza の世界観を言い表している。Spinoza 存在論の核といってよい。佐藤訳を元に分解してみる:

  1. 様態 mode は無限であり、必然的に存在する

  2. 様態は必然的に神の属性に帰属する摂理により生ずるか、あるいは

  3. 変容態に様態化した属性から必然的に生じる


  1. 様態は無限だ

  2. 様態は神の属性に帰属する摂理により生ずる、あるいは

  3. 様態は変容態に様態化した属性から生じる

第1の様態が無限であることは神の無限性から導ける。第2の属性との関係は、属性から様態が産み出されることを知っていれば特に問題なく受け入れられる。第3が難しく、様態から様態が生じることがあるという説明だ。Spinoza の存在論のなかでも一番わかりにくい点だ。この点は次の定理22で説明がある。

Quicquid ex aliquo Dei attributo, quatenus modificatum est tali modificatione, quæ & necessariò, & infinita per idem existit, sequitur, debet quoque & necessariò, & infinitum existere.

Eliot訳:Whatever follows from any attribute of God, in so far as it is affected by a modification which in virtue of the same attribute has a necessary and infinite existence, must also have a necessary and infinite existence.
Elwes訳:Whatsoever follows from any attribute of God, in so far as it is modified by a modification, which exists necessarily and as infinite, through the said attribute, must also exist necessarily and as infinite.



Omnia, quæ ex absoluta naturâ alicujus attributi Dei sequuntur, semper, & infinita existere debuerunt, sive per idem attributum æterna, & infinita sunt.

Eliot訳:All tllings which follow from the absolute nature of any attribute of God, must exist always and exist infinitely; in other words, in virtue of the same attribute, they are infinite and eternal.
Elwes訳:All things which follow from the absolute nature of any attribute of God must always exist and be infinite, or, in other words, are eternal and infinite through the said attribute.


Dei existentia, ejusque essentia unum & idem sunt.

Eliot訳:The existence and essence of God are one and the same thing.
Elwes訳:The existence of God and his essence are one and the same.


「神の有りかたをつくり成すそのものが同時に神の実在をつくり成す」ということでよさそうだ。ダイナミックな見方だが、これが存在に対する Spinoza の見解である。


Deus, sive omnia Dei attributa sunt æterna.

Eliot訳:God, or all the attributes of God, are eternal.
Elwes訳:God, and all the attributes of God, are eternal.

