


 地域金融機関では,脱炭素に取り組むうえで,重要な基本指針として,企業・消費者・地域関係者等から構成される地域社会におけるSocial Goodのマインド醸成を重要視している点で印象的であった。このため,金融市場では競争関係にある地域金融機関同士において,脱炭素のための取り組みを協力し合う戦略を一部で展開している。


Efficient Calculation Support for GHG Emissions of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises:August 3rd(Thursday)

In my seminar (third year), we have been engaging in ongoing discussions with regional financial institutions about their efforts in addressing climate change since last year. This year, in July, we had the opportunity to exchange views with Kyoto Credit Union regarding their decarbonization initiatives.

One striking aspect within regional financial institutions is their emphasis on fostering the mindset of "Social Good" within the local community, consisting of businesses, consumers, and other stakeholders. Consequently, in the financial market, some regional financial institutions, despite being competitors, are implementing strategies to collaborate on decarbonization efforts.

In the future, I believe that the most crucial step for medium-sized and small businesses to implement decarbonization initiatives is to acquire the technology for accurately calculating their actual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This calculation should encompass not only Scope 1 emissions (direct emissions from their own facilities and business activities) and Scope 2 emissions (indirect emissions from purchased electricity, heat, etc.) but also, in the long run, disclose data on efficient calculation of Scope 3 emissions (emissions from other companies' activities not covered in Scope 1 and 2). The "visibility" provided by this data calculation and management is a crucial social infrastructure for promoting decarbonization. I believe that regional financial institutions should collaborate to facilitate and promote the use of this data for small and medium-sized enterprises.