Tsume Shogi:December 7th(Thursday)
The puzzle known as "Tsume Shogi" is believed to have existed in Japan since around the Edo period. It is equivalent to chess problems, involving arranging pieces on the shogi board to checkmate the king through a series of consecutive threats.
The expression "tsume ga amai" (weak checkmate) implies a lack of skill in determining how to move pieces or how to deploy reserved pieces to checkmate the opponent's king. This phrase, "tsume ga amai," is frequently used in various contexts within real-world socio-economic activities.
For instance, why is the energy policy, macroeconomic (economic) policy, price measures, social security policy, financial policy, diplomatic policy, measures against declining birth rates, DX (digital transformation) policy, GX policy, and other policies adopted by Japan's Kishida administration considered "tsume ga amai"?
This is perhaps because the Cabinet's brain trust and advisors are notably inadequate, and the handling of pieces, both in movement and deployment, is inappropriate. Unfortunately, it might not be an exaggeration to say that we are already in a situation where we can declare "checkmate," and regrettably so.