



 GX経済移行債の発行条件が,期待していた以上の盛り上がりに欠けるのは,海外投資家の冷めた評価によるという。つまり,今回,GX経済移行債で調達された資金が,海外で発行されている「グリーンボンド(環境債)」や「トランジッションボンド(移行債)」の使い道と異なり,石炭火力のアンモニア混焼 などの支援が対象に含まれており,この点において欧米投資家からの評価では「グリーンウォッシュ(見せかけの環境配慮)」の疑念が指摘されているからである。

 一方,欧州天然ガス価格と欧州のEU-ETSにおけるCO2排出量取引価格が大きく下落している。2024年1月末に,排出量取引価格は英国では9ポンド台/トンと過去最安値をつけた。 EUも56ユーロ/トンと低水準である。こうしたエネルギー価格と排出量取引価格の下落は,英国やEUの脱炭素政策を後退させるのではないかと心配されている。マネーのチカラを借りた脱炭素政策の推進は,やはり「現実的」ではないということか。

Slump in European CO2 Emission Trading Prices:February 16th(Friday)

In Japan, on February 14, the government conducted a bond auction under the name "GX (Green Transformation) Economic Transition Bonds." Being the first of its kind globally, attention was drawn to the prices and yields. In the fiscal year 2023, the Japanese government plans to procure a total of 1.6 trillion yen through GX Economic Transition Bonds and aims to raise 20 trillion yen over a period of 10 years through bond issuances. In the auction on February 14 for 10-year bonds, there were approximately 2.3 trillion yen in bids against an 800 billion yen offering. However, the so-called "Greenium" did not show a significant increase, and the "highest bid yield (compound)" was reported to be 0.740%, which was 0.005% lower than the yield of regular government bonds in the market (Nikkei News Flash, February 14, 2024). An additional auction for the remaining 800 billion yen is scheduled for February 27, this time for 5-year bonds.

The lack of enthusiasm in the issuance conditions of GX Economic Transition Bonds is attributed to the lukewarm evaluation from overseas investors. In other words, the funds raised through GX Economic Transition Bonds this time are intended for support such as ammonia co-firing in coal-fired power generation, which differs from the use of "Green Bonds (environmental bonds)" or "Transition Bonds" issued abroad. This difference has led to suspicions of "Greenwash" (superficial environmental consideration) in evaluations from Western investors.

On the other hand, European natural gas prices and CO2 emission trading prices in the EU-ETS have experienced significant declines. At the end of January 2024, the UK reached its lowest point at around 9 pounds per ton. The EU price is also at a low level, at 56 euros per ton. Concerns are rising that the decline in these energy prices and emission trading prices may undermine the decarbonization policies of the UK and the EU. The advancement of decarbonization policies relying on the power of money may indeed be deemed "impractical."