







Energy Self-Sufficiency Rate:May 21st(Tuesday)

Primary energy refers to energy resources (energy) that we obtain in their naturally occurring forms from the natural environment. Coal, crude oil, natural gas, hydropower, nuclear power, and renewable energy are examples of primary energy. In contrast, secondary energy refers to petroleum products, city gas, electricity, and other forms of energy obtained through the "energy conversion" of primary energy.

The ratio of domestically produced primary energy to primary energy consumption is called the "primary energy self-sufficiency rate" and is often used as a measure of energy security. A primary energy self-sufficiency rate exceeding 100% means that the country is an energy exporter. As of 2021, Japan's primary energy self-sufficiency rate was 13.4%, meaning it relied on foreign energy for 86.6% of its consumption.

In the United States, the "Shale Revolution" began in earnest around 2006, and by 2019, the primary energy self-sufficiency rate exceeded 100%. Since President Nixon of the Republican administration during the first oil crisis in 1973 set "energy independence" as a national strategic goal, it took 46 years for the United States to achieve this goal in 2019.

However, the Shale Revolution, which enabled the United States to achieve energy independence, symbolizes a carbon society (the exact opposite of the transition to a decarbonized society), and as of 2021, the United States' dependence on fossil energy (coal, oil, natural gas) was about 81%. This implies that in the remaining 29 years (from 2021) until 2050, the United States aims to achieve net-zero carbon neutrality, raising the question of whether this is feasible.

On the other hand, the dependence on renewable energy is rising in EU member states, the UK, Japan, and other countries. While this appears to contribute to reducing carbon dioxide emissions during power generation, from an energy security perspective, it cannot be simply regarded as domestically produced energy. Even if utilizing natural energy, if the solar panels, wind turbines, batteries, and other components or energy infrastructure equipment required for energy conversion are dependent on specific countries, it means that energy security is weakened.

This involves an invisible system called the economy, making it an exceedingly complex issue.