





6 Trillion Yen for Gasoline Subsidies:July 7th(Friday)

The winners believe that maintaining the status quo is righteousness. Entrenched interests are enjoyable, and it would be foolish to lose them. Even those who were supposed to understand the correct judgment, the losers, gradually become unwilling to change the current situation as they become winners. Those who criticized the side with entrenched interests, when they find themselves on that side, now try to maintain the status quo. In any country, human history is, to a greater or lesser extent, a repetition of this cycle.

It is a great mystery that when crude oil prices rise, gasoline prices also immediately increase. It is truly puzzling. By injecting 6 trillion yen in subsidies funded by taxes into oil wholesalers, it is said that gasoline retail prices will decrease. Again, this is a great mystery. I would like someone to explain why such a pricing mechanism exists in a proper and understandable manner.

The worldwide shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) and decarbonization in the transportation sector is progressing; however, it is reported that Japan's domestic gasoline sales for the fiscal year 2022 increased compared to the previous year. With a gasoline subsidy of 6 trillion yen, the momentum of Japan's EV shift has slowed down, and the profits of oil wholesalers and gasoline engine car manufacturers remain strong. As the vested interests prosper even more, the long-term potential for Japan's economy is increasingly weakened, but since nobody seems to notice it in the short term, silencing those who speak about the future ensures stability. Could this be the true intention of politicians today?

Imagining the potential for Japan's economy in ten years is nothing but frightening.