IEA「2050年Net Zeroシナリオ」更新版の公表:2023年9月27日(水)
2021年にIEA(国際エネルギー機関)が公表した報告書『Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector』を最新の技術,市場,政策に基づいて,2年ぶりに更新した報告書を昨日公表した。
再エネ拡大,エネルギー効率向上,メタン排出削減,電化上昇により,2030年までに必要な排出削減の8割超を実現でき,この間,化石燃料需要が25%超削減されると見ている。IEAのNZE(Net Zero Emission)シナリオでは,2030年までに再エネ設備容量を3倍に拡大させることが必要であると提言している。
IEA announced an updated version of the "2050 Net Zero Scenario":September 27th(Wednesday)
The International Energy Agency (IEA) released an updated report yesterday, two years after its initial publication in 2021, titled "Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector." This update is based on the latest technologies, markets, and policies.
In 2022, global CO2 emissions from the energy sector reached a record high of 3.7 billion tons. However, the IEA highly commends the rapid development of clean energy technologies such as solar power generation, electric vehicles, heat pumps, and batteries over the past two years.
By expanding renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, reducing methane emissions, and increasing electrification, it is believed that more than 80% of the necessary emission reductions by 2030 can be achieved. During this period, fossil fuel demand is expected to be reduced by over 25%. The IEA's NZE (Net Zero Emissions) scenario suggests that it is necessary to triple the capacity of renewable energy facilities by 2030.
On the other hand, it is pointed out that the expansion of power transmission and distribution networks by approximately 2 million kilometers annually worldwide is necessary by 2030. Obtaining permits for such expansion takes time, and a lead time of more than 10 years could become a bottleneck, sounding a warning.
Furthermore, an increase in clean energy investments in developing countries is deemed necessary. While investments in existing oil and gas assets and approved projects are deemed essential, it is notable that there is a clear stance against new investments in coal, oil, and natural gas.