グテーレス国連事務総長は"the era of global warming has ended and the era of global boiling has arrived"と警告した。地球温暖化が終わり,地球沸騰化が始まったというのは少々大袈裟な表現にも見える。
Dangerous Heatwave:July 30th(Sunday)
According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Copernicus Climate Change Service, the global average surface temperature until July 23rd has reached a record high of 16.95°C, and the world's average sea surface temperature reached 20.94°C on July 19th.
UN Secretary-General Guterres issued a warning, stating that "the era of global warming has ended and the era of global boiling has arrived." While this may seem like a somewhat exaggerated expression, it reflects the severity of the situation.
Recently, I've noticed a decrease in the frequency of rainfall caused by characteristic evening showers during the summer, despite the occurrence of heavy rains and floods due to linear precipitation zones and large typhoons. The occurrence of torrential downpours seems to be more localized.
In 1998 and 1999, I had the opportunity to be involved in a World Bank project focusing on Turkmenistan's natural gas export strategy, as the country is one of the world's leading natural gas producers in Central Asia around the Caspian Sea. Although I personally contributed very little, I stayed in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan, for about two weeks in August. During the day, the temperature exceeded 50°C, preventing me from going outside, and I remember spending most of my time in the hotel's business room.
Perhaps we are entering an era where temperatures of 30°C will be considered cool.