The Meaning of Leaving Records:April 9th(Sunday)
In 2017, on the NHK program "Another Stories," it was introduced that the toilet paper hoarding frenzy that started in a supermarket in Senri New Town in Osaka in 1973 was not actually caused by consumers stockpiling due to fears of shortages caused by the oil shock, but rather due to the supermarket's sales strategy of promoting "cheap toilet paper that quickly sells out" which inadvertently led to increased consumer purchasing desire and resulted in long queues. At that time, there was actually sufficient inventory of toilet paper, contrary to what was described in most school textbooks.
This story about the queues during the toilet paper frenzy in Senri New Town is widely known among experts to have been caused by the supermarket's sales strategy, rather than hoarding due to the oil shock, and I had already heard about it in the 1990s.
Even if it is said now that what was written in textbooks was not factual, it is not easy to accept. The stories accepted by society become history. Such incidents are just the tip of the iceberg, and the fact remains that the majority of society has continued to function without problems even if such stories have been accepted.