2023年元旦にテレビで放映されたNHKスペシャル「混迷の世紀 2023巻頭言~世界は平和と秩序を取り戻せるか~」の中で,元フランス外相のユベール・ヴェドリーヌ氏が「侵攻を食い止めるには冷戦期の対話に学べ」と提言した。米ソ冷戦期のアメリカのケネディ大統領とソ連のフルシチョフ首相との間の対話を挙げて,以下のようなことを言ったのである。
A country that casually says "you have no right to speak":January 31st(Tuesday)
In the NHK special program "Century of Chaos: 2023 Preface - Can the World Regain Peace and Order?" aired on New Year's Day 2023, former French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine proposed that "we should learn from the dialogue during the Cold War to stop aggression." Referring to the dialogue between US President Kennedy and Soviet Premier Khrushchev during the US-Soviet Cold War, he said the following:
"Strange as it may seem now, Western leaders will someday have to face Russia. It may not be Putin's Russia, but we cannot completely eliminate Russia. Even during the Cold War, when both sides were aiming for the total destruction of the enemy, American leaders left an escape route for the Soviet Union. Even at the worst times of the Cold War, Western politicians never said, 'We cannot talk to countries with different values.' They never talked about a 'battle of values.' They responded with an unwavering stance and a strong sense of responsibility, and succeeded."
Meanwhile, Japan and China are in conflict over the sovereignty of the Senkaku Islands (Diaoyu Islands), but on January 30th, a spokesperson for the Chinese Coast Guard reportedly said, "The Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islands are our country's inherent territory, and Japan has no right to speak about China's law enforcement in the jurisdictional waters of the China Coast Guard in accordance with the law" (Chuo Nippo, distributed on January 31, 2023 at 14:18). This is in a completely different dimension from "dialogue." Unfortunately, the Japanese government should consider evaluating whether the current China is a responsible major power and respond accordingly.