

自民党総裁選において,石破茂候補(当時)は,「政治とカネ 党改革・政治改革」の問題について,「有権者は決して納得しておらず国民への説明責任は総裁も負う。政党がどうカネを集めて使うのかなど政党のガバナンスを律する法律の制定が急務だ」と主張していた(NHKによる候補者別「政策・主張」とりまとめ)。「政治とカネ」問題に関する有効的な解決方法の一つは,明らかなことであるが,「政治とカネ」問題に関わった政治家を辞めさせることだ。



 これは,石破総裁が総裁選で掲げていた上記の「政治とカネ 党改革・政治改革」についての主張と真逆の内容であり,これによって国民から大きな顰蹙を買うことになった。




The Public’s Expectations for a Fundamental Solution to the “Politics and Money” Issue: Monday, October 7, 2024

During the LDP leadership election, candidate Shigeru Ishiba (at the time) emphasized the importance of “Politics and Money, Party Reform, and Political Reform,” stating, “Voters are not satisfied, and the party leader also bears the responsibility of explaining to the public. It is urgent to enact laws that govern how political parties raise and spend money, ensuring proper governance” (as compiled by NHK’s summary of each candidate’s policies and positions). One obvious and effective solution to the “Politics and Money” issue is to remove politicians involved in such scandals.

However, after Ishiba was elected as the party president and the LDP executive leadership was reshuffled, something strange occurred. Before the extraordinary Diet session could even convene, Prime Minister Ishiba announced his plan for an early dissolution of the House of Representatives, revealing a schedule of “dissolution on October 9, official announcement on October 15, and voting on October 27.”

Moreover, LDP Secretary-General Hiroshi Moriyama leaked to the media that in the upcoming House of Representatives election, the LDP’s stance on handling “under-the-table money lawmakers” (those who failed to report income from political fundraising parties in their financial reports) would be to “generally approve their candidacies, and in principle, allow them to run concurrently in the proportional representation system.”

This completely contradicted Ishiba’s campaign pledges regarding “Politics and Money, Party Reform, and Political Reform,” leading to significant public outrage.

Politicians must stick to their principles. Figures like Hiroshi Moriyama, while technically politicians, rise to leadership much like a corporate president in the Showa era through seniority-based promotions, skilled at maintaining order but incapable of truly performing the work of a great politician.

Many citizens do not agree with Moriyama’s idea that “the key criterion for endorsement is the candidate’s electability.” Voters are evaluating how the LDP addresses the “Politics and Money” problem, and it is the public who will ultimately decide whether a candidate is elected or defeated. The role of maintaining internal party order should be confined to within the party itself. Acting otherwise will never win the “trust of the people.” This is the Reiwa era.

On the afternoon of October 6, Prime Minister Ishiba commented to reporters regarding the criteria for LDP endorsements in the upcoming House of Representatives election, saying, “A considerable number of candidates will be denied endorsement, but I will take full responsibility as the person authorized to grant endorsements, making the final decision with the goal of earning the public’s trust.” The internal confusion within the Ishiba administration has become so severe that “the future is uncertain.” We must wait and see how the final decision will unfold.