





 電力需要の予測あるいは想定値を決めるのは,確かに難しい。人口減少,経済成長,相対価格だけでなく,異常気象や戦争などの外部要因を考慮する必要があるからである。こうしたなかで,GX(グリーントランスフォーメーション)の推進により,変動性再生可能エネルギー(Variable Renewable Energy,VRE)による発電と電力調達が進んでいる。とりわけ,データセンターはVRE発電を意識する企業が多く,自家消費もしくはプロシューマーの型式の電力調達が増えるのではなかろうか。したがって,系統電力への需要は,想いのほかに増えず,原子力発電に過大に依存する必要性は何処にも見当たらないのではないかと私は思う。

Electricity Demand Forecast: Friday, October 4, 2024

With the spread of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and the acceleration of DX (Digital Transformation), it is said that as society transitions to a digital one, the electricity demand in data centers will increase, leading to a sharp rise in future electricity demand. Therefore, the government is reconsidering its nuclear policy, returning to the pro-nuclear stance before the “3.11” disaster. But will the sudden increase in electricity demand at data centers really cause a shortage of power supplied through the grid (system power)?

Currently, in most cases, alternating current (AC) electricity is transmitted through the power grid. Even when the location of power plants and electricity consumers are far apart, the high-voltage transmission network (system power) for AC electricity allows power to be transmitted over long distances with minimal loss. However, since the AC electricity transmitted through the power grid always requires a balance of supply and demand in real time, managing electricity supply and demand in advance is crucial.

Direct current (DC) is a flow of electricity where the direction of the current, the current strength, and the voltage do not change. Alternating current (AC), on the other hand, is a flow of electricity where the direction, current, and voltage change periodically. AC electricity is easier to transform to high voltage compared to DC, which is why AC electricity is used in grid transmission systems. However, for extremely long-distance transmission, considering the interconnection infrastructure like power lines and transmission towers, DC transmission can sometimes be more cost-effective than AC transmission.

Japan’s regulated electricity pricing system, which determined electricity rates by government approval, continued from 1933 until the full liberalization of the retail electricity market in April 2016. Based on this regulated pricing, the electricity industry used a “cost-plus” method, determining electricity prices by adding appropriate profit margins to the cost of supplying electricity, ensuring a secure funding system for investments in grid infrastructure and power plant facilities. During Japan’s period of rapid economic growth from the late 1950s until the first oil crisis in 1973, electricity demand steadily increased, and the regulated pricing system using the “cost-plus” method can be evaluated as having functioned well to address the challenges of electricity supply constraints at that time.

Predicting or determining electricity demand forecasts is certainly difficult. In addition to factors like population decline, economic growth, and relative prices, external factors such as abnormal weather or wars must also be considered. In this context, with the promotion of GX (Green Transformation), the generation and procurement of electricity from Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) sources have been advancing. In particular, many data center operators are increasingly mindful of VRE power generation, and it’s possible that power procurement in the form of self-consumption or prosumer models will increase. Therefore, I believe that the demand for grid power might not grow as much as expected, and there seems to be no reason to overly rely on nuclear power generation.