





Calculation of CO2 emissions for buildings:February 10th(Friday)

Today's Nikkei Industrial newspaper had an interesting article. It stated that there was a difference of about 30% in the calculated CO2 emissions for the same building using two different methods.

One method is the "LCA Guidelines for Buildings" by the Architectural Institute of Japan. It is a simple calculation method that multiplies the CO2 emissions per construction cost to calculate the CO2 emissions of the building. This method does not reflect differences in materials, and it assumes that higher construction costs (material prices) increase CO2 emissions.

The other method is the emission calculation software of a Finnish company, which sets emission factors for each material, including wood.

When these two calculation methods were used to calculate the CO2 emissions of the same building, the Architectural Institute of Japan's method calculated about 30% higher CO2 emissions than the Finnish company's method. While calculations are meant to serve as a means of reducing CO2 emissions, if the "calculation" market competition (pursuit of economic efficiency) occurs, it could be counterproductive.