


 いずれにせよ,この比喩を用いる人々が言おうとしていることは,次のようなことである。このブログの8月9日の「統計開始以来」の中でも指摘した『ペルシャの伝説』にあるように,地球上で起きている人間の経済社会行動による数量的影響の大きさや気候変動は2の(n-1)乗現象で変化するものが多く,それらは最初は緩やかな変化であるが,次第に加速度的に急変化する。対処療法的に環境変化に順応し続けていると,そのうち,取り返しがつかないほどの変化の状態の中に自分たちがいることに気づく。しかし,そのときには,既に手の施しようがなくなるため,変革の早期の行動(early action)が重要だということを強調したいのだと思う。

Boiling Frog:October 4th(Wednesday)

The "boiling frog" phenomenon is a theatrical metaphor that illustrates the consequence of inaction, where individuals or organizations, by adaptively adjusting to a changing environment, ultimately end up in a catastrophic state instead of initiating fundamental change. In reality, scientific experiments have been conducted since the 19th century to verify whether frogs in water will boil as the temperature rises. However, it has been argued that this metaphor is not scientifically accurate because frogs tend to jump out of the water before boiling.

In any case, what those who use this metaphor are trying to convey is the following. As pointed out in the "Legend of Persia" mentioned in this blog on August 9th, the quantitative impacts of human economic and social actions on Earth and climate change often exhibit a 2^(n-1) phenomenon. Initially, these changes are gradual, but they eventually accelerate rapidly. Continuously adapting reactively to environmental changes may lead to a point where it becomes impossible to reverse the situation. Therefore, it emphasizes the importance of early action in initiating transformation when one realizes they are already in a state of irreversible change.


Thank you very much!