



Halloween:October 31st(Tuesday)

The origin of Halloween is said to be the ancient Celtic festival of the eve of All Saints' Day. It is considered the time when the new year begins, transitioning from the season of the sun to the season of darkness, as November 1st is celebrated as the new year. It is believed that the gateway between the living world and the spirit world opens during this time, and people light lanterns using Jack-o'-lanterns (originally turnips, but carved pumpkins after it spread to the United States) to protect themselves from evil spirits, along with the practice of ancestor worship and paying respect to the deceased, as well as wearing costumes.

Halloween customs began to spread in Japan after the cultural influence of the United States following World War II. In Japan, there is a tendency to refine and adapt foreign cultures in a Japanese way, turning them into something appreciated. It seems that Halloween in Japan has been gradually localized over the years.