

ロンドン・ビジネス・スクールのリンダ・グラットン(Lynda Gratton)教授が,2016年に出版した著書『LIFE SHIFT-100年時代の人生戦略』のなかで,2007年に生まれた赤ちゃんの半数以上が100年以上生きるようになるだろうと予測し,世界的に注目を浴びた。こうして,人生設計の再考であるとか,人生観や価値観の見直しであるとか,ワークライフバランスに基づく働き方改革であるとかが,古くて新しい重要なアジェンダとして,再三のことではあるが,議論されるようになった。


少年易老学難成(少年老い易く 学成り難し)

一寸光陰不可軽(一寸の光陰 軽んず可からず)

未覚池塘春草夢(未だ覚めず池塘 春草の夢)

階前梧葉已秋声(階前の梧葉 已に秋声)


The 100-Year Life Era:May 30th(Thursday)

In her 2016 book "The 100-Year Life: Living and Working in an Age of Longevity," Professor Lynda Gratton of the London Business School predicted that more than half of the babies born in 2007 would live to be over 100 years old. This prediction garnered global attention. Consequently, reconsidering life design, reevaluating life perspectives and values, and reforming work styles based on work-life balance have become important agendas that, though often revisited, continue to be discussed as both old and new issues.

It is a shift from an 80-year life plan to a 100-year life plan. Although the original source is now unclear, the following poem would apply whether one's life is 80 years or 100 years:

少年易老学難成 (Youth easily fades, learning is difficult to achieve)

一寸光陰不可軽 (Do not take lightly a moment of time)

未覚池塘春草夢 (Unwoken from a dream of spring grass by the pond)

階前梧葉已秋声 (Before the steps, the leaves of the parasol tree already herald the autumn)

In the traditional 80-year life plan, the basic life plan was often discussed in terms of "20 years of education, 40 years of work, and 20 years of retirement." In a 100-year life plan within a society where AI and humans coexist, the conventional concept of retirement may disappear, and it might become necessary to advocate for a life plan of "100 years of education and work package."