Understanding FY Terminology: A Common Source of Misunderstanding
I've recently encountered confusion due to the differences in how startups use fiscal year (FY) terminology, so I wanted to share my thoughts on this matter.
When you see "FY24," do you think it refers to the fiscal year ending in 2024 or starting in 2024?
Similarly, when you see "24年度" in Japanese, does it indicate the fiscal year ending in 2024 or starting in 2024?
In my experience, "FY" typically refers to the fiscal year ending in the specified year, while "年度" in Japanese refers to the fiscal year starting in that year. For example, in my company, "FY24" ended in March this year, and we are now in "FY25." Conversely, "23年度" ended in March, and "24年度" has just begun.
The alignment of FY and 年度 terminology often occurs in companies with a fiscal year starting in January and ending in December. In these cases, "FY24" and "24年度" both refer to the fiscal year ending in 2024.
However, I recently came across multiple pitch decks referring to the fiscal year starting in 2024 as "FY24." This inconsistency can lead to significant errors, such as a one-year discrepancy in IRR calculations.
To avoid confusion, especially when creating pitch decks, I strongly recommend that startup founders and CFOs clearly specify the fiscal period. Use terms like "2024/03期" to indicate the fiscal year ending in March 2024, ensuring clarity for all readers.
社外の人にとって何年のことを言ってるのか分からない創業からの第○期という表現は論外として、PitchDeckに会計期を記載する際には、スタートアップ起業家やCFOの皆様におかれましては、こういう方言があることを頭に入れて、誰が見ても誤解を与えないように 2024/03期 のような書き方をすることを絶賛お勧めします。